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Edoardo Zatterin, Petr Ondrejkovic, Louis Bastogne, Céline Lichtensteiger, Ludovica Tovaglieri, Daniel A. Chaney, Alireza Sasani, Tobias Schülli, Alexei Bosak, Steven Leake, Pavlo Zubko, Philippe Ghosez, Jirka Hlinka, Jean-Marc Triscone and Marios Hadjimichael
Physical review. X 14 4, 041052 (2024)
The observation of unexpected polarization textures such as vortices, skyrmions, and merons in various oxide heterostructures has challenged the widely accepted picture of ferroelectric domain walls as being Ising-like. Bloch components in the 180° domain walls of PbTiO 3 have recently been…
Archive ouverte UNIGELucia Varbaro, Lukas Alexander Korosec, Chih-Ying Hsu, Duncan T.L. Alexander, Nicolas Jaouen and Jean-Marc Triscone
APL materials 12 8, 081120 (2024)
Rare-earth nickelates (chemical formula RNiO3, R being a rare-earth cation) display a temperature-dependent metal-to-insulator transition (MIT) together with a breathing distortion of the NiO6 octahedra units at a temperature ranging from 0 to 600 K depending on the size of…
Archive ouverte UNIGEJiarui Li, Robert J. Green, Claribel Dominguez Ordonez, Abraham Levitan, Yi Tseng, Sara Catalano, Jennifer Fowlie, Ronny Sutarto, Fanny Rodolakis, Lucas Korol, Jessica L. McChesney, John W. Freeland, Dirk Van Der Marel, Marta Gibert and Riccardo Comin
Nature communications 15 1, 7427 (2024)
Archive ouverte UNIGEWillem Rischau, Artem Korshunov, Volodymyr Multian, Sara Almudena Lopez Paz, Chubin Huang, Lucia Varbaro, Jérémie Teyssier, Yoav Kalcheim, Stefano Gariglio, Alexei Bosak, Jean-Marc Triscone and Javier del Valle
Physical review. B, Condensed matter 109, 094122 (2024)
Archive ouverte UNIGERuijuan Xu, Iris Crassee, Hans A. Bechtel, Yixi Zhou, Adrien Bercher, Lukas Alexander Korosec, Willem Rischau, Jérémie Teyssier, Kevin J. Crust, Yonghun Lee, Stephanie N. Gilbert Corder, Jiarui Li, Jennifer A. Dionne, Harold Y. Hwang, Alexey Kuzmenko and Yin Liu
Nature communications 15 1, 4743 (2024)
Recent theoretical studies have suggested that transition metal perovskite oxide membranes can enable surface phonon polaritons in the infrared range with low loss and much stronger subwavelength confinement than bulk crystals. Such modes, however, have not been experimentally observed so far….
Archive ouverte UNIGEWillem Rischau, Stefano Gariglio, Jean-Marc Triscone and Javier del Valle
Physical review applied 22 1, 014021 (2024)
Many correlated oxides feature an insulator-to-metal transition as the temperature is increased. In thin films, this transition can be electrically induced by localized Joule heating, resulting in volatile resistive switching. Considering the importance of thermal effects, the thermal conductivity…
Archive ouverte UNIGELucia Varbaro, Bernat Mundet Bolos, Subhadeep Bandyopadhyay, Claribel Dominguez Ordonez, Jennifer Fowlie, Lukas Alexander Korosec, Chih-Ying Hsu, Duncan T. L. Alexander, Philippe Ghosez and Jean-Marc Triscone
APL materials 12 3, 031104 (2024)
Heterostructures consisting of SmNiO3 and NdNiO3 alternating layers with additional LaAlO3 spacer layers were grown and fully characterized by means of x-ray diffraction, atomic force microscopy, and scanning transmission electron microscopy. A change in the orientation of the orthorhombic…
Archive ouverte UNIGECéline Lichtensteiger, Chia-Ping Su, Iaroslav Gaponenko, Marios Hadjimichael, Ludovica Tovaglieri, Patrycja Paruch, Alexandre Gloter and Jean-Marc Triscone
APL materials 11 10, 101110 (2023)
We investigate nanoscale domain engineering via epitaxial coupling in a set of SrRuO3/PbTiO3/SrRuO3 heterostructures epitaxially grown on (110)o-oriented DyScO3 substrates. The SrRuO3 layer thickness is kept at 55 unit cells, whereas the PbTiO3 layer is grown to thicknesses of 23, 45, and 90 unit…
Archive ouverte UNIGEYixi Zhou, Adrien Waelchli, Margherita Boselli, Iris Crassee, Adrien Bercher, Weiwei Luo, Jiahua Duan, J.l.m. van Mechelen, Dirk Van Der Marel, Jérémie Teyssier, Willem Rischau, Lukas Alexander Korosec, Stefano Gariglio, Jean-Marc Triscone and Alexey Kuzmenko
Nature communications 14 1, 7686 (2023)
Phonon polaritons are promising for infrared applications due to a strong light-matter coupling and subwavelength energy confinement they offer. Yet, the spectral narrowness of the phonon bands and difficulty to tune the phonon polariton properties hinder further progress in this field. SrTiO…
Archive ouverte UNIGEMarios Hadjimichael, Bernat Mundet Bolos, Claribel Dominguez Ordonez, Adrien Waelchli, Gabriele De Luca, Jonathan Spring, Simon Jöhr, Siobhan Mckeown Walker, Cinthia Piamonteze, Duncan T. L. Alexander, Jean-Marc Triscone and Marta Gibert
Advanced Electronic Materials, 2201182 (2023)
Archive ouverte UNIGELucia Varbaro, Bernat Mundet Bolos, Claribel Dominguez Ordonez, Jennifer Fowlie, Alexandru Mircea Georgescu, Lukas Alexander Korosec, Duncan Alexander and Jean-Marc Triscone
Advanced electronic materials, 2201291 (2023)
Archive ouverte UNIGEWillem Rischau, Xu He, Giacomo Mazza, Stefano Gariglio, Jean-Marc Triscone, Philippe Ghosez and Javier Del Valle Granda
Physical review. B 107 11, 115139 (2023)
Archive ouverte UNIGETeodor Luibrand, Adrien Bercher, Rodolfo Rocco, Farnaz Tahouni-Bonab, Lucia Varbaro, Willem Rischau, Claribel Dominguez Ordonez, Yixi Zhou, Weiwei Luo, Soumen Bag, Lorenzo Fratino, Reinhold Kleiner, Stefano Gariglio, Dieter Koelle, Jean-Marc Triscone, Marcelo J. Rozenberg, Alexey B. Kuzmenko, Stefan Guénon and Javier Del Valle Granda
Physical review research 5, 013108 (2023)
Archive ouverte UNIGECéline Lichtensteiger, Marios Hadjimichael, Edoardo Zatterin, Chia-Ping Su, Iaroslav Gaponenko, Ludovica Tovaglieri, Patrycja Paruch, Alexandre Gloter and Jean-Marc Triscone
APL materials 11 6, 061126 (2023)
We study the complex ferroelastic/ferroelectric domain structure in the prototypical ferroelectric PbTiO3 epitaxially strained on (110)o-oriented DyScO3 substrates, using a combination of atomic force microscopy, laboratory and synchrotron x-ray diffraction, and high resolution scanning…
Archive ouverte UNIGECarsten Putzke, Chunyu Guo, Vincent Plisson, Martin Kroner, Thibault Chervy, Matteo Simoni, Pim Wevers, Maja D. Bachmann, John R. Cooper, Antony Carrington, Naoki Kikugawa, Jennifer Fowlie, Stefano Gariglio, Andrew P. Mackenzie, Kenneth S. Burch, Ataç Îmamoğlu and Philip J. W. Moll
Nature communications 14 1, 3147, 1-7 (2023)
The quest to improve transparent conductors balances two key goals: increasing electrical conductivity and increasing optical transparency. To improve both simultaneously is hindered by the physical limitation that good metals with high electrical conductivity have large carrier densities that push …
Archive ouverte UNIGEJavier Del Valle Granda, Pavel Salev, Stefano Gariglio, Yoav Kalcheim, Ivan K. Schuller and Jean-Marc Triscone
Nano letters (2022)
Archive ouverte UNIGEMarc Gabay, Stefano Gariglio and Jean-Marc Triscone
Nature materials 21 2, 139-140 (2022)
Archive ouverte UNIGEMarios Hadjimichael, Adrien Waelchli, Bernat Mundet Bolos, Siobhan Mckeown Walker, Gabriele De Luca, Javier Herrero-Martín, Marta Gibert, Stefano Gariglio and Jean-Marc Triscone
APL materials 10 10, 101112 (2022)
The layered structure of superconducting cuprates is considered to be a key ingredient to achieve high superconducting transition temperatures. In this work, we investigate the possibility of doping the SrCuO 2 infinite-layer compound by inserting additional oxygen into its structure….
Archive ouverte UNIGEHugo Meley, Michaël Tran, Jérémie Teyssier, J. A. Krieger, T. Prokscha, A. Suter, Z. Salman, M. Viret, Dirk Van Der Marel and Stefano Gariglio
Physical Review. B, Condensed Matter 103 125112 (2021)
3d^2 vanadate perovskites exhibit an unusual phase diagram where the low temperature orbital and spin orders are strongly dependent upon the rare-earth cation size. Here, we demonstrate the delicate role of strain in epitaxial LaVO3 films by performing low-energy muon spin spectroscopy and…
Archive ouverte UNIGEJennifer Fowlie, Bernat Mundet Bolos, Constance Toulouse, Alexander Schober, Mael Guennou, Claribel Dominguez Ordonez, Marta Gibert, Duncan T. L. Alexander, Jens Kreisel and Jean-Marc Triscone
APL Materials 9 081119 (2021)
A strong coupling of the lattice to functional properties is observed in many transition metal oxide systems, such as the ABO3 perovskites. In the quest for tailor-made materials, it is essential to be able to control the structural properties of the compound(s) of interest. Here, thin film solid…
Archive ouverte UNIGEMargherita Boselli, Gernot Scheerer, Michele Filippone, Weiwei Luo, Adrien Waelchli, Alexey Kuzmenko, Stefano Gariglio, Thierry Giamarchi and Jean-Marc Triscone
Physical review. B. 103, 075431 (2021)
Nanoscale channels realized at the conducting interface between LaAlO3 and SrTiO3 provide a perfect playground to explore the effect of dimensionality on the electronic properties of complex oxides. Here we compare the electric transport properties of devices realized using the atomic force…
Archive ouverte UNIGEJavier Del Valle Granda, Rodolfo Rocco, Claribel Dominguez Ordonez, Jennifer Fowlie, Stefano Gariglio, Marcelo J. Rozenberg and Jean-Marc Triscone
Physical review. B, Condensed matter 104 16, 165141 (2021)
Archive ouverte UNIGEAdrien Waelchli
Thèse (2021)
Le mécanisme régissant la supraconductivité à haute température critique, observée dans des composés à base de cuivre et d’oxygène (cuprates), n’est à ce jour pas encore entièrement élucidé. Dans cette thèse sont étudiés des systèmes dits « infinite-layer » avec la formule…
Archive ouverte UNIGECharles Ahn, Andrea Cavalleri, Antoine Georges, Sohrab Ismail-Beigi, Andrew J. Millis and Jean-Marc Triscone
Nature Materials (2021)
This Perspective addresses the design, creation, characterization and control of synthetic quantum materials with strong electronic correlations. We show how emerging synergies between theoretical/computational approaches and materials design/experimental probes are driving recent advances in the…
Archive ouverte UNIGEClaribel Dominguez Ordonez
Thèse, 122 (2021)
We discussed a particularly interesting interfacial effect-a coupling due to a phase boundary cost-that can be used to achieve fine control over the electronic properties of artificially-layered materials. The artificial model system, presented in this thesis, uses SmNiO3 and NdNiO3-two compounds…
Archive ouverte UNIGEBernat Mundet Bolos, Claribel Dominguez Ordonez, Jennifer Fowlie, Marta Gibert Gutierrez, Jean-Marc Triscone and Duncan T.L. Alexander
Nano Letters (2021)
Archive ouverte UNIGEClaribel Dominguez Ordonez, Alexandru B. Georgescu, Bernat Mundet Bolos, Yajun Zhang, Jennifer Fowlie, Alain Mercy, Adrien Waelchli, Sara Catalano, Duncan T. L. Alexander, Philippe Ghosez, Antoine Georges, Andrew J. Millis, Marta Gibert Gutierrez and Jean-Marc Triscone
Nature materials 19 11, 1182-1187 (2020)
Archive ouverte UNIGEChristian Weymann, Céline Lichtensteiger, Stéphanie Fernandez‐Peña, Aaron B. Naden, Liv R. Dedon, Lane W. Martin, Jean-Marc Triscone and Patrycja Paruch
Advanced Electronic Materials 6 12, 2000852 (2020)
Deterministic control of the intrinsic polarization state of ferroelectric thin films is essential for device applications. Independently of the well-established role of electrostatic boundary conditions and epitaxial strain, the importance of growth temperature as a tool to stabilize a target…
Archive ouverte UNIGEIvan Ardizzone, M. Zingl, Jérémie Teyssier, H. U. R. Strand, Oleg Peil, Jennifer Fowlie, A. B. Georgescu, Sara Catalano, Nimrod Bachar, Alexey Kuzmenko, Marta Gibert Gutierrez, Jean-Marc Triscone, Antoine Georges and Dirk Van Der Marel
Physical Review. B, Condensed Matter 102 15, 155148 (2020)
Materials with strong electronic correlations host remarkable — and technologically relevant — phenomena such as magnetism, superconductivity and metal-insulator transitions. Harnessing and controlling these effects is a major challenge, on which key advances are being made through lattice and…
Archive ouverte UNIGEGernot Scheerer, Margherita Boselli, Dorota Pulmannova, Willem Rischau, Adrien Waelchli, Stefano Gariglio, Enrico Giannini, Dirk Van Der Marel and Jean-Marc Triscone
Condensed Matter 5 4, 60 (2020)
SrTiO3 is an insulating material which, using chemical doping, pressure, strain or isotope substitution, can be turned into a ferroelectric material or into a superconductor. The material itself, and the two aforementioned phenomena, have been subjects of intensive research of Karl Alex Müller and …
Archive ouverte UNIGEAlexander Schober, Jennifer Fowlie, Mael Guennou, Mads C. Weber, Hongjian Zhao, Jorge Íñiguez, Marta Gibert, Jean-Marc Triscone and Jens Kreisel
APL Materials 8 6, 061102 (2020)
Archive ouverte UNIGEThierry C. van Thiel, Jennifer Fowlie, Carmine Autieri, Nicola Manca, Makars Šiškins, Dmytro Afanasiev, Stefano Gariglio and Andrea Caviglia
ACS Materials Letters 2 4, 389-394 (2020)
Oxide heterointerfaces constitute a rich platform for realizing novel functionalities in condensed matter. A key aspect is the strong link between structural and electronic properties, which can be modified by interfacing materials with distinct lattice symmetries. Here, we determine the effect of…
Archive ouverte UNIGEAlexandre Gloter, Giulio Tieri, Danfeng Li, Marco Caputo, Vladimir N. Strocov, Odile Stéphan, Jean-Marc Triscone and Stefano Gariglio
APL Materials 8 4, 041103 (2020)
Realization of heterostructures containing multiple two-dimensional electron liquids requires a fine control of the fabrication process. Here, we report a structural and spectroscopy study of LaAlO3/SrTiO3/LaAlO3 trilayers grown on the SrTiO3 substrate by pulsed-laser deposition. Scanning…
Archive ouverte UNIGEM. Caputo, Margherita Boselli, A. Filippetti, S. Lemal, Danfeng Li, A. Chikina, C. Cancellieri, T. Schmitt, Jean-Marc Triscone, P. Ghosez, Stefano Gariglio and V. N. Strocov
Physical Review Materials 4 3, 035001 (2020)
Heterostructures of transition metal oxides perovskites represent an ideal platform to explore exotic phenomena involving the complex interplay between the spin, charge, orbital and lattice degrees of freedom available in these compounds. At the interface between such materials, this interplay can…
Archive ouverte UNIGEStefano Gariglio, Andrea Caviglia, Jean-Marc Triscone and M Gabay
Reports on Progress in Physics 82 012501 (2019)
Within the last twenty years, the status of the spin–orbit interaction has evolved from that of a simple atomic contribution to a key effect that modifies the electronic band structure of materials. It is regarded as one of the basic ingredients for spintronics, locking together charge and spin…
Archive ouverte UNIGEMargherita Boselli
Thèse (2019)
In 2004 Ohtomo and Hwang discovered that the interface between two band insulators, LaAlO3 and SrTiO3, is conducting. This thesis focuses on the properties of the LaAlO3/SrTiO3 interface at the nanoscale. First, we developed a technique to realize conducting wires of nanometric scale in insulating…
Archive ouverte UNIGEJennifer Fowlie, Céline Lichtensteiger, Marta Gibert Gutierrez, Hugo Meley, Philip Willmott and Jean-Marc Triscone
Nano Letters 19 6, 4188-4194 (2019)
In this study, we analyze how the octahedral tilts and rotations of thin films of LaNiO₃ and LaAlO₃ grown on different substrates, determined using synchrotron X-ray diffraction-measured half-integer Bragg peaks, depend upon the total film thickness. We find a striking difference between films…
Archive ouverte UNIGEWeiwei Luo, Margherita Boselli, Jean-Marie Poumirol, Ivan Ardizzone, Jérémie Teyssier, Dirk Van Der Marel, Stefano Gariglio, Jean-Marc Triscone and Alexey Kuzmenko
Nature Communications 10 2774 (2019)
Probing the local transport properties of two-dimensional electron systems (2DES) confined at buried interfaces requires a non-invasive technique with a high spatial resolution operating in a broad temperature range. In this paper, we investigate the scattering-type scanning near field optical…
Archive ouverte UNIGEHugo Meley
Thèse (2019)
Le groupe Triscone, affilié au département de la matière quantique de l’Université de Genève, est expert dans la synthèse et la caractérisation de films minces à base d’oxyde, il travaille en collaboration étroite avec d’autres groupes de recherche spécialisés dans les techniques de…
Archive ouverte UNIGED. Afanasiev, A. Gatilova, D. J. Groenendijk, B. A. Ivanov, Marta Gibert Gutierrez, Stefano Gariglio, J. Mentink, J. Li, N. Dasari, M. Eckstein, Th. Rasing, Andrea Caviglia and A. V. Kimel
Physical Review X 9 021020 (2019)
Ultrafast photodoping of the Mott insulators, possessing strong correlation between electronic and magnetic degrees of freedom, holds promise for launching an ultrafast dynamics of spins which cannot be described in terms of conventional models of ultrafast magnetism. Here we study the ultrafast…
Archive ouverte UNIGEChristian Weymann
Thèse (2019)
Dans cette thèse, nous présentons une méthode fiable pour produire des séries d’échantillons ferroélectriques identiques en tous points, sauf la structure de domaines intrinsèque: en changeant la température de croissance de nos échantillons, nous contrôlons entièrement la direction de…
Archive ouverte UNIGEDanfeng Li, Sébastien Lemal, Stefano Gariglio, Zhenping Wu, Alexandre Fete, Margherita Boselli, Philippe Ghosez and Jean-Marc Triscone
Advanced Science 5 8, 1800242 (2018)
Polar discontinuities occurring at interfaces between two materials constitute both a challenge and an opportunity in the study and application of a variety of devices. In order to cure the large electric field occurring in such structures, a reconfiguration of the charge landscape sets in at the…
Archive ouverte UNIGEHugo Meley, x Karandeep, L. Oberson, Joeri De Bruijckere, D. T. L. Alexander, Jean-Marc Triscone, Ph. Ghosez and Stefano Gariglio
APL Materials 6 4, 046102 (2018)
Rare earth vanadate perovskites exhibit a phase diagram in which two different types of structural distortions coexist: the strongest, the rotation of the oxygen octahedra, comes from the small tolerance factor of the perovskite cell (t = 0.88 forLaVO3) and the smaller one comes from inter-site…
Archive ouverte UNIGECéline Lichtensteiger
Journal of Applied Crystallography 51 6, 1745-1751 (2018)
InteractiveXRDFit is a custom-made MATLAB program that calculates the X-ray diffracted intensity for oxide thin films and heterostructures based on a library of inorganic materials.
Archive ouverte UNIGESara Catalano, Marta Gibert Gutierrez, Jennifer Fowlie, Jorge Iniguez, Jean-Marc Triscone and Jens Kreisel
Reports on Progress in Physics 81 046501 (2018)
This review stands in the larger framework of functional materials by focussing on heterostructures of rare-earth nickelates, described by the chemical formula RNiO3 where R is a trivalent rare-earth R = La, Pr, Nd, Sm, …, Lu. Nickelates are characterized by a rich phase diagram of structural and …
Archive ouverte UNIGEJennifer Fowlie
Thèse (2018)
We study the fundamental physical properties of LaNiO3, a correlated transition metal oxide, within the context of heterostructures. In this thesis we report on an intriguing thickness-dependence of the resistivity in the ultrathin limit, a strong dependence on the substrate lattice of the…
Archive ouverte UNIGEMisael Caloz, Boris Korzh, Nuala Timoney, Markus Weiss, Stefano Gariglio, Richard J. Warburton, Christian Schönenberger, Jelmer Renema, Hugo Zbinden and Félix Bussieres
Applied physics letters 110 8, 083106 (2017)
We experimentally investigate the detection mechanism in a meandered molybdenum silicide superconducting nanowire single-photon detector by characterizing the detection probability as a function of bias current in the wavelength range of 750–2050 nm. Contrary to some previous observations on…
Archive ouverte UNIGEStéphanie Fernandez
Thèse (2017)
Cette thèse se centre sur l’étude des matériaux ferroélectriques et plus particulièrement sur le PbTiO3, qui se présente sous la structure cristalline pérovskite. Les ferroélectriques sont définis comme des matériaux ayant une polarisation spontanée qui doit pouvoir être renversée par…
Archive ouverte UNIGEMarc Gabay and Jean-Marc Triscone
Nature Physics 13 7, 624-625 (2017)
Archive ouverte UNIGEJennifer Fowlie, Marta Gibert, Giulio Tieri, Alexandre Gloter, Jorge Iniguez, Alessio Filippetti, Sara Catalano, Stefano Gariglio, Alexander Schober, Mael Guennou, Jens Kreisel, Odile Stéphan and Jean-Marc Triscone
Advanced Materials 29 18, 1605197 (2017)
A marked conductivity enhancement is reported in 6–11 unit cell LaNiO3 thin films. A maximal conductivity is also observed in ab initio calculations for films of the same thickness. In agreement with results from state of the art scanning transmission electron microscopy, the calculations also…
Archive ouverte UNIGEDavide Filippo Valentinis
Thèse (2017)
Cette thèse porte sur les corrélations électroniques dans la matière quantique, en particulier dans les systèmes métalliques de basse dimensionalité et à basse température. Dans ces conditions, la réponse du liquide composé par les électrons de conduction aux perturbations devient…
Archive ouverte UNIGESara Catalano
Thèse (2017)
Le pérovskites d’oxydes de nickel montrent une transition métal isolant et une structure antiferromagnétique à basse temperature, qui peuvent étre exploités pour des applications innovantes. Cette thèse est consacrée à l’étude des propriétés électroniques fondamentales de couches…
Archive ouverte UNIGEDavide Filippo Valentinis, Stefano Gariglio, Alexandre Fete, Jean-Marc Triscone, Christophe Berthod and Dirk Van Der Marel
Physical Review. B, Condensed Matter 96 9, 094518 (2017)
Superconductivity develops in bulk doped SrTiO3 and at the LaAlO3/SrTiO3 interface with a dome-shaped density dependence of the critical temperature Tc , despite different dimensionalities and geometries. We propose that the Tc dome of LaAlO3/SrTiO3 is a shape resonance due to quantum confinement…
Archive ouverte UNIGEFlavio Yair Bruno, Marta Gibert Gutierrez, Siobhan Mckeown Walker, Oleg Peil, Alberto De La Torre, Sara Ricco, Zhe Wang, Sara Catalano, Anna Tamai, F. Bisti, V.N. Strocov, Jean-Marc Triscone and Felix Baumberger
APL Materials 5 1, 016101 (2017)
Archive ouverte UNIGEJulien Ruppen, Jérémie Teyssier, Ivan Ardizzone, Oleg Peil, Sara Catalano, Marta Gibert Gutierrez, Jean-Marc Triscone, Antoine Georges and Dirk Van Der Marel
Physical Review. B, Condensed Matter 96 4, 045120 (2017)
We study the temperature dependence of the optical conductivity of rare-earth nickelate films of varying composition and strain close to the antiferromagnetic ordering temperature, TN . Two prominent peaks at 0.6 and 1.3 eV, which are characteristic of the insulating phase, display a small but…
Archive ouverte UNIGEM. Först, K. R. Beyerlein, R. Mankowsky, W. Hu, G. Mattoni, Sara Catalano, Marta Gibert Gutierrez, O. Yefanov, J. N. Clark, A. Frano, J. M. Glownia, M. Chollet, H. Lemke, B. Moser, S. P. Collins, S. S. Dhesi, Andrea Caviglia, Jean-Marc Triscone and A. Cavalleri
Physical review letters 118 2, 027401 (2017)
Selective optical excitation of a substrate lattice can drive phase changes across heterointerfaces. This phenomenon is a nonequilibrium analogue of static strain control in heterostructures and may lead to new applications in optically controlled phase change devices. Here, we make use of…
Archive ouverte UNIGEMarta Gibert Gutierrez, Michel Viret, Pavlo Zubko, N. Jaouen, J.-M. Tonnerre, A. Torres-Pardo, Sara Catalano, A. Gloter, O. Stéphan and Jean-Marc Triscone
Nature communications 7, 11227 (2016)
Dimensionality is known to play an important role in many compounds for which ultrathin layers can behave very differently from the bulk. This is especially true for the paramagnetic metal LaNiO3, which can become insulating and magnetic when only a few monolayers thick. We show here that an…
Archive ouverte UNIGEMargherita Boselli, Danfeng Li, Wei Liu, Alexandre Fete, Stefano Gariglio and Jean-Marc Triscone
Applied physics letters 108 6, 061604 (2016)
The realization of conducting nanostructures at the interface between LaAlO3 and SrTiO3 is an important step towards the realization of devices and the investigation of exotic physical regimes. We present here a detailed study of the conducting nanowires realized using the atomic force microscopy…
Archive ouverte UNIGEStefano Gariglio, M. Gabay and Jean-Marc Triscone
APL materials 4 6, 060701 (2016)
In this review, we focus on the celebrated interface between two band insulators, LaAlO3 and SrTiO3, that was found to be conducting, superconducting, and to display a strong spin-orbit coupling. We discuss the formation of the 2-dimensional electron liquid at this interface, the particular…
Archive ouverte UNIGED. J. Groenendijk, N. Manca, G. Mattoni, L. Kootstra, Stefano Gariglio, Y. Huang, E. van Heumen and Andrea Caviglia
Applied physics letters 109 4, 041906 (2016)
Obtaining high-quality thin films of 5d transition metal oxides is essential to explore the exotic semimetallic and topological phases predicted to arise from the combination of strong electron correlations and spin-orbit coupling. Here, we show that the transport properties of SrIrO3 thin films,…
Archive ouverte UNIGEPavlo Zubko, Jacek C. Wojdeł, Marios Hadjimichael, Stéphanie Fernandez, Anaïs Sené, Igor Luk'yanchuk, Jean-Marc Triscone and Jorge Iniguez
Nature 534 7608, 524-528 (2016)
The stability of spontaneous electrical polarization in ferroelectrics is fundamental to many of their current applications, which range from the simple electric cigarette lighter to non-volatile random access memories. Research on nanoscale ferroelectrics reveals that their behaviour is profoundly …
Archive ouverte UNIGEDanfeng Li
Thèse (2016)
Les pérovskites constituent une classe importante de structure cristalline. Les oxydes de cette famille présentent une physique riche et des propriétés électroniques remarquables. Ces matériaux peuvent être combinés par des techniques de croissance en couche de sorte à former des…
Archive ouverte UNIGEJ.-Y. Chauleau, Margherita Boselli, Stefano Gariglio, R. Weil, G. de Loubens, Jean-Marc Triscone and Michel Viret
Europhysics letters 116 1, 17006 (2016)
Spin-to-charge conversion using the inverse Rashba-Edelstein effect is measured in the 2D electron liquid existing at the interface between LaAlO3 and SrTiO3. The effect is found to be larger than in the highly Rashba split Bi/Ag interface which we attribute to an amplifying effect due to a long…
Archive ouverte UNIGEI. Pallecchi, F. Telesio, D. Marré, Danfeng Li, Stefano Gariglio, Jean-Marc Triscone and A. Filippetti
Physical Review. B, Condensed Matter 93 19, 195309 (2016)
The thermoelectric power of the two-dimensional electron system (2DES) at the LaAlO3/SrTiO3 interface is explored below room temperature, in comparison with that of Nb-doped SrTiO3 single crystals. For the interface, we find a region below T=50 K where thermopower is dominated by phonon drag, whose …
Archive ouverte UNIGEStéphanie Fernandez, Céline Lichtensteiger, Pavlo Zubko, Christian Weymann, Stefano Gariglio and Jean-Marc Triscone
APL Materials 4 8, 086105 (2016)
We present a detailed study of compressively strained PbxSr1−xTiO3 thin films grown by off-axis radio frequency magnetron sputtering on (001)-oriented Nb-doped SrTiO3 substrates. Film tetragonality and the ferroelectric critical temperatures are measured for samples of different composition and…
Archive ouverte UNIGEY. Laplace, Stéphanie Fernandez, Stefano Gariglio, Jean-Marc Triscone and A. Cavalleri
Physical Review. B, Condensed Matter 93 7, 075152 (2016)
We discuss how complex-oxide heterostructures that include high-Tc superconducting cuprates can be used to realize an array of submillimeter cavities that support Josephson plasmon polaritons. These cavities have several attractive features for new types of light-matter interaction studies and we…
Archive ouverte UNIGEStefano Gariglio, M Scheurer, J Schmalian, A.M.R.V.L. Monterio, S Goswami and Andrea Caviglia
The Oxford Handbook of Small Superconductors, Cha7 (2016)
Archive ouverte UNIGED. J. Groenendijk and Stefano Gariglio
Journal of Applied Physics 120 22, 225307 (2016)
The control of thin film stoichiometry is of primary relevance to achieve desired functionality. Pulsed laser deposition ablating from binary-oxide targets (sequential deposition) can be applied to precisely control the film composition, offsetting the importance of growth conditions on the film…
Archive ouverte UNIGECéline Lichtensteiger, Christian Weymann, Stéphanie Fernandez, Patrycja Paruch and Jean-Marc Triscone
New Journal of Physics 18 4, 043030 (2016)
We have studied the built-in voltage in heterostructures composed of ferroelectric PbTiO3 and dielectric spacers of SrTiO3, grown on SrTiO3 substrates with SrRuO3 bottom electrodes. We used piezoresponse force microscopy to determine the domain structure of the samples and perform local switching…
Archive ouverte UNIGEValentina Bisogni, Sara Catalano, Robert J. Green, Marta Gibert Gutierrez, Raoul Scherwitzl, Yaobo Huang, Vladimir N. Strocov, Pavlo Zubko, Shadi Balandeh, Jean-Marc Triscone, George Sawatzky and Thorsten Schmitt
Nature communications 7, 13017 (2016)
The metal-insulator transition and the intriguing physical properties of rare-earth perovskite nickelates have attracted considerable attention in recent years. Nonetheless, a complete understanding of these materials remains elusive. Here we combine X-ray absorption and resonant inelastic X-ray…
Archive ouverte UNIGEG. Mattoni, Pavlo Zubko, F. Maccherozzi, A.J.H. van der Torren, D. B. Boltje, M. Hadjimichael, N. Manca, Sara Catalano, Marta Gibert Gutierrez, Y. Liu, J. Aarts, Jean-Marc Triscone, S. S. Dhesi and Andrea Caviglia
Nature communications 7, 13141 (2016)
Nucleation processes of mixed-phase states are an intrinsic characteristic of first-order phase transitions, typically related to local symmetry breaking. Direct observation of emerging mixed-phase regions in materials showing a first-order metal-insulator transition (MIT) offers unique…
Archive ouverte UNIGEGuangqing Liu, Jason Chen, Céline Lichtensteiger, Jean-Marc Triscone, Pablo Aguado-Puente, Javier Junquera and Nagarajan Valanoor
Advanced electronic materials 2 1, 1500288 (2016)
Archive ouverte UNIGEStefano Gariglio, Alexandre Fete and Jean-Marc Triscone
Journal of physics. Condensed matter 27 28, 283201 (2015)
Physical and structural phenomena originating from polar discontinuities have generated enormous activity. In the last ten years, the oxide interface between polar LaAlO3 and non-polar SrTiO3, both band insulators, has attracted particular interest, as it hosts an electron liquid with remarkable…
Archive ouverte UNIGEMarta Gibert Gutierrez, Michel Viret, A. Torres-Pardo, C. Piamonteze, Pavlo Zubko, N. Jaouen, J.-M. Tonnerre, A. Mougin, Jennifer Fowlie, Sara Catalano, A. Gloter, O. Stéphan and Jean-Marc Triscone
Nano letters 15 11, 7355-7361 (2015)
The functional properties of oxide heterostructures ultimately rely on how the electronic and structural mismatches occurring at interfaces are accommodated by the chosen materials combination. We discuss here LaMnO3/LaNiO3 heterostructures, which display an intrinsic interface structural asymmetry …
Archive ouverte UNIGEC. Piamonteze, Marta Gibert Gutierrez, J. Heidler, J. Dreiser, S. Rusponi, H. Brune, Jean-Marc Triscone, F. Nolting and U. Staub
Physical review. B, Condensed matter and materials physics 92 1, 014426 (2015)
We have employed x-ray absorption spectroscopy and x-ray magnetic circular dichroism (XMCD) at the Ni and Mn L3,2 edges in LaMnO3/LaNiO3 superlattices grown along (001) and (111) orientations. Our results show a significant XMCD signal and thus the presence of magnetic moments localized on both Ni…
Archive ouverte UNIGEJulien Ruppen, Jérémie Teyssier, Oleg Peil, Sara Catalano, Marta Gibert Gutierrez, J. Mravlje, Jean-Marc Triscone, Antoine Georges and Dirk Van Der Marel
Physical review. B, Condensed matter and materials physics 92 155145 (2015)
Using a combination of spectroscopic ellipsometry and DC transport measurements, we determine the temperature dependence of the optical conductivity of NdNiO3 and SmNiO3 films. The optical spectra show the appearance of a characteristic two-peak structure in the near-infrared when the material…
Archive ouverte UNIGENina Balke, Nazanin Bassiri-Gharb and Céline Lichtensteiger
Journal of applied physics 118 7, 071901 (2015)
Archive ouverte UNIGESara Catalano, Marta Gibert Gutierrez, V. Bisogni, F. He, R. Sutarto, Michel Viret, Pavlo Zubko, Raoul Scherwitzl, G. A. Sawatzky, T. Schmitt and Jean-Marc Triscone
APL materials 3 6, 062506 (2015)
Bulk NdNiO3 and thin films grown along the pseudocubic (001)pc axis display a 1st order metal to insulator transition (MIT) together with a Néel transition at T = 200 K. Here, we show that for NdNiO3 films deposited on (111)pc NdGaO3, the MIT occurs at T = 335 K and the Néel transition at T = 230 …
Archive ouverte UNIGEM. Först, Andrea Caviglia, Raoul Scherwitzl, R. Mankowsky, Pavlo Zubko, V. Khanna, H. Bromberger, S. B. Wilkins, Y.-D. Chuang, W. S. Lee, W. F. Schlotter, J. J. Turner, G. L. Dakovski, M. P. Minitti, J. Robinson, S. R. Clark, D. Jaksch, Jean-Marc Triscone, J. P. Hill, S. S. Dhesi and A. Cavalleri
Nature materials 14 9, 883-888 (2015)
Static strain in complex oxide heterostructures1, 2 has been extensively used to engineer electronic and magnetic properties at equilibrium3. In the same spirit, deformations of the crystal lattice with light may be used to achieve functional control across heterointerfaces dynamically4. Here, by…
Archive ouverte UNIGEWei Liu, Stefano Gariglio, Alexandre Fete, Danfeng Li, Margherita Boselli, Daniela Stornaiuolo and Jean-Marc Triscone
APL Materials 3 6, 062805 (2015)
We report a detailed analysis of magneto-transport properties of top- and back-gated LaAlO3/SrTiO3 heterostructures. Efficient modulation in magneto-resistance, carrier density, and mobility of the two-dimensional electron liquid present at the interface is achieved by sweeping top and back gate…
Archive ouverte UNIGEIlaria Pallecchi, Francesca Telesio, Danfeng Li, Alexandre Fete, Stefano Gariglio, Jean-Marc Triscone, Alessio Filippetti, Pietro Delugas, Vincenzo Fiorentini and Daniele Marré
Nature Communications 6 1 (2015)
Understanding the nature of charge carriers at the LaAlO3/SrTiO3 interface is one of the major open issues in the full comprehension of the charge confinement phenomenon in oxide heterostructures. Here, we investigate thermopower to study the electronic structure in LaAlO3/SrTiO3 at low temperature …
Archive ouverte UNIGEStefano Gariglio, M. Gabay, J. Mannhart and Jean-Marc Triscone
Physica. C, Superconductivity 514, 189-198 (2015)
Low dimensional superconducting systems have been the subject of numerous studies for many years. In this article, we focus our attention on interfacial superconductivity, a field that has been boosted by the discovery of superconductivity at the interface between the two band insulators LaAlO3 and …
Archive ouverte UNIGEAlexandre Fete, Claudia Cancellieri, Danfeng Li, Daniela Stornaiuolo, Andrea Caviglia, Stefano Gariglio and Jean-Marc Triscone
Applied physics letters 106 5, 051604 (2015)
We have studied the electronic properties of the 2D electron liquid present at the LaAlO3/SrTiO3 interface in series of samples prepared at different growth temperatures. We observe that interfaces fabricated at 650 °C exhibit the highest low temperature mobility (…
Archive ouverte UNIGECéline Lichtensteiger, Stéphanie Fernandez, Christian Weymann, Pavlo Zubko and Jean-Marc Triscone
Nano letters 14 8, 4205-4211 (2014)
The screening efficiency of a metal−ferroelectric interface plays a critical role in determining the polarization stability and hence the functional properties of ferroelectric thin films. Imperfect screening leads to strong depolarization fields that reduce the spontaneous polarization or drive…
Archive ouverte UNIGEAlexandre Fete, Stefano Gariglio, Christophe Berthod, Danfeng Li, Daniela Stornaiuolo, Marc Gabay and Jean-Marc Triscone
New journal of physics 16 11, 112002 (2014)
We investigate the two-dimensional Fermi surface of high-mobility LaAlO3/ SrTiO3 interfaces using Shubnikov-de Haas oscillations. Our analysis of the oscillation pattern underscores the key role played by the Rashba spin–orbit interaction brought about by the breaking of inversion symmetry, as…
Archive ouverte UNIGEAlexandre Fete
Thèse (2014)
Cette thèse étudie la conduction électrique sous champ magnétique de l’interface entre un substrat de SrTiO3 et une mince couche cristalline de LaAlO3. Ce système combine les propriétés remarquables des gaz bidimensionnels et la richesse de la physique des oxydes complexes. Grâce à nos…
Archive ouverte UNIGEPhilippe Ghosez and Jean-Marc Triscone
Nature 515 7527, 348-350 (2014)
Domain walls are natural borders in ferromagnetic, ferroelectric or ferroelastic materials. It seems that they can also be reactive areas that produce crystallographic phases never before observed in bulk materials.
Archive ouverte UNIGEMarc Gabay and Jean-Marc Triscone
Nature Nanotechnology 9 6, 417-418 (2014)
When the thickness of a LaNiO3 film is reduced to only two unit cells, the material undergoes an abrupt metal-to-insulator transition.
Archive ouverte UNIGEDanfeng Li, Stefano Gariglio, Claudia Cancellieri, Alexandre Fete, Daniela Stornaiuolo and Jean-Marc Triscone
APL materials 2 1, 012102 (2014)
Realization of a fully metallic two-dimensional electron gas (2DEG) at the interface between artificially grown LaAlO3 and SrTiO3 thin films has been an exciting challenge. Here we present for the first time the successful realization of a superconducting 2DEG at interfaces between artificially…
Archive ouverte UNIGEDaniela Stornaiuolo, Stefano Gariglio, Alexandre Fete, M. Gabay, Danfeng Li, D. Massarotti and Jean-Marc Triscone
Physical review. B, Condensed matter and materials physics 90 23, 235426 (2014)
Using field effect devices with side gates, we modulate the 2-dimensional electron gas hosted at the LaAlO3/SrTiO3 interface to study the temperature and doping evolution of the magnetotransport. The analysis of the data reveals different transport regimes depending on the interplay between the…
Archive ouverte UNIGEJill Guyonnet
Thèse (2013)
Les matériaux ferroélectriques sont caractérisés par une polarisation électrique réversible. Les interfaces séparant deux domaines ferroélectriques, appelées parois de domaines, possèdent des propriétés spécifiques en raison de la brisure locale de symétrie et de l’accumulation de…
Archive ouverte UNIGEAndrea Caviglia, M. Först, Raoul Scherwitzl, V. Khanna, H. Bromberger, R. Mankowsky, R. Singla, Y.-D. Chuang, W. S. Lee, O. Krupin, W. F. Schlotter, J. J. Turner, G. L. Dakovski, M. P. Minitti, J. Robinson, V. Scagnoli, S. B. Wilkins, S. A. Cavill, Marta Gibert Gutierrez, Stefano Gariglio, Pavlo Zubko, Jean-Marc Triscone, J. P. Hill, S. S. Dhesi and A. Cavalleri
Physical review. B, Condensed matter and materials physics 88 22, 220401-220401-5 (2013)
Using ultrafast resonant soft x-ray diffraction, we demonstrate photoinduced melting of antiferromagnetic order in the correlated electron insulator NdNiO3. Time-dependent analysis of the resonant diffraction spectra allows us to followthe temporal evolution of the charge imbalance between…
Archive ouverte UNIGEMarc Gabay and Jean-Marc Triscone
Nature Physics 9 10, 610-611 (2013)
The metallic sheet at the heterointerface between two different insulating and non-magnetic oxides displays seemingly conflicting ferromagnetic properties that may be explained by the presence of a spiral magnetic structure.
Archive ouverte UNIGEM. Salluzzo, Stefano Gariglio, X. Torrelles, Zoran Ristic, R. Di Capua, J. Drnec, M. Moretti Sala, G. Ghiringhelli, R. Felici and N. B. Brookes
Advanced materials 25 16, 2333-2338 (2013)
A full understanding of the mechanism of the formation of a two-dimensional electron gas (2DEG) at the interface between insulating LaAlO3 (LAO) thin films and bulk SrTiO3 (STO) crystals is a prerequisite for the full exploitation of this class of materials. Here, by using a combination of advanced …
Archive ouverte UNIGEA. Rubano, T. Günter, T. Fink, D. Paparo, L. Marrucci, Claudia Cancellieri, Stefano Gariglio, Jean-Marc Triscone and M. Fiebig
Physical review. B, Condensed matter and materials physics 88 3, 035405 (2013)
We report the results of second-harmonic optical spectroscopy of LaAlO3 films grown on SrTiO3 (001) substrates having either TiO2 or SrO atomic terminations. The atomic termination is found to have a large effect on the observed spectra, with a strong dependence on the ω-2ω light polarizations….
Archive ouverte UNIGEM. Salluzzo, Stefano Gariglio, Daniela Stornaiuolo, V. Sessi, S. Rusponi, C. Piamonteze, G. M. De Luca, M. Minola, D. Marré, A. Gadaleta, H. Brune, F. Nolting, N. B. Brookes and G. Ghiringhelli
Physical review letters 111 8, 087204 (2013)
Possible ferromagnetism induced in otherwise nonmagnetic materials has been motivating intense research in complex oxide heterostructures. Here we show that a confined magnetism is realized at the interface between SrTiO3 and two insulating polar oxides, BiMnO3 and LaAlO3. By using polarization…
Archive ouverte UNIGEClaudia Cancellieri, M. Reinle-Schmitt, M. Kobayashi, V. Strocov, T. Schmitt, P. Willmott, Stefano Gariglio and Jean-Marc Triscone
Physical review letters 110 13, 137601 (2013)
The interfaces of LaAlO3/SrTiO3 and (LaAlO3)x(SrTiO3)1−x/SrTiO3 heterostructures have been investigated by soft x-ray photoelectron spectroscopy for different layer thicknesses across the insulator-to-metal interface transition. The valence band and Fermi edge were probed using resonant…
Archive ouverte UNIGEG. M. De Luca, D. Preziosi, F. Chiarella, R. Di Capua, Stefano Gariglio, S. Lettieri and M. Salluzzo
Applied physics letters 103 6, 062902 (2013)
We studied the ferroelectric and ferromagnetic properties of compressive strained and unstrained BiMnO3 thin films grown by rf-magnetron sputtering. BiMnO3 samples exhibit a two-dimensional cube-on-cube growth mode and a pseudo-cubic structure up to a thickness of 15 nm and of 25 nm when…
Archive ouverte UNIGEM. Gabay, Stefano Gariglio, Jean-Marc Triscone and A.F. Santander-Syro
The European physical journal. Special topics 222 5, 1177-1183 (2013)
Numerous solid-state properties depend on the crystal structure. Recently, the idea of searching for novel properties or novel functionalities at artificial interfaces – where a breaking of inversion symmetry and a change in the atomic environment occur – has been developing rapidly and has led …
Archive ouverte UNIGEA. Filippetti, P. Delugas, M. J. Verstraete, I. Pallecchi, A. Gadaleta, D. Marré, Danfeng Li, Stefano Gariglio and V. Fiorentini
Physical Review. B, Condensed Matter 86, 195301 (2012)
We combine transport experiments, advanced ab initio calculations, and model analysis to determine the thermoelectric power in the two-dimensional electron gas formed at the paradigmatic oxide interface SrTiO3/LaAlO3. We demonstrate that contrary to popular expectation, quantum confinement does not …
Archive ouverte UNIGEAlessia Sambri, D. Isarakorn, Almudena Torres-Pardo, Stefano Gariglio, Pattanaphong Janphuang, D. Briand, O. Stéphan, J. W. Reiner, Jean-Marc Triscone, Nico F. de Rooij and C. H. Ahn
Smart Materials Research 2012 426048 (2012)
We report on the properties of ferroelectric Pb(Zr0.2Ti0.8)O3 (PZT) thin films grown epitaxially on (001) silicon and on the performance of such heterostructures for microfabricated piezoelectric energy harvesters. In the first part of the paper, we investigate the epitaxial stacks through…
Archive ouverte UNIGEHiroshi Funakubo, Matthijn Dekkers, Alessia Sambri, Stefano Gariglio, Igor Shklyarevskiy and Guus Rijnders
MRS bulletin 37 11, 1030-1038 (2012)
Films of piezoelectric and ferroelectric oxides have been widely investigated for various applications, including microelectromechanical systems (MEMS) for printing. Pb(Zr,Ti)O3 is of particular interest due to its excellent piezoelectric properties. Control of the density, crystalline orientation, …
Archive ouverte UNIGERaoul Scherwitzl
Thèse (2012)
Dans cette thèse nous avons étudié des hétérostructures basées sur les perovskites nickelates RNiO3, où R est une terre rare. Les nickelates présentent une transition spectaculaire d’un comportement métallique à un comportement isolant en fonction de la température. Le but de cette…
Archive ouverte UNIGECéline Lichtensteiger, Pavlo Zubko, Jean-Marc Triscone, Massimiliano Stengel, Philippe Ghosez, Pablo Aguado-Puente and Javier Junquera
Oxide Ultrathin Films: Science and Technology, 12 (2012)
Going down to the limit of ultrathin films holds promise for a new generation of devices such as ferroelectric tunnel junctions or resistive memories. However, these length scales also make the devices sensitive to parasitic effects related to miniaturization, and a better understanding of what…
Archive ouverte UNIGEMarta Gibert Gutierrez, Pavlo Zubko, Raoul Scherwitzl, Jorge Iniguez and Jean-Marc Triscone
Nature materials 11 3, 195-198 (2012)
The wide spectrum of exotic properties exhibited by transition-metal oxides stems from the complex competition between several quantum interactions. The capacity to select the emergence of specific phases at will is nowadays extensively recognized as key for the design of diverse new devices with…
Archive ouverte UNIGEPavlo Zubko, Noemie Marie Jecklin, Almudena Torres-Pardo, P. Aguado-Puente, A. Gloter, Céline Lichtensteiger, J. Junquera, O. Stéphan and Jean-Marc Triscone
Nano letters 12 6, 2846-2851 (2012)
Archive ouverte UNIGEPavlo Zubko, Noemie Marie Jecklin, Nicolas Stucki, Céline Lichtensteiger, Gijsbert Rispens and Jean-Marc Triscone
Ferroelectrics 433 1, 127-137 (2012)
Archive ouverte UNIGEDaniela Stornaiuolo, Stefano Gariglio, Nuno Jose Guimaraes Couto, Alexandre Fete, Andrea Caviglia, Gabriel Seyfarth, Didier Jaccard, Alberto Morpurgo and Jean-Marc Triscone
Applied physics letters 101 22, 222601 (2012)
Archive ouverte UNIGEAndrea Caviglia, Raoul Scherwitzl, P. Popovich, W. Hu, H. Bromberger, R. Singla, M. Mitrano, M. Hoffmann, S. Kaiser, Pavlo Zubko, Stefano Gariglio, Jean-Marc Triscone, M. Först and A. Cavalleri
Physical review letters 108 13, 5 p. (2012)
Archive ouverte UNIGEM.L. Reinle-Schmitt, C. Cancellieri, Danfeng Li, D. Fontaine, M. Medarde, E. Pomjakushina, C.W. Schneider, Stefano Gariglio, Ph. Ghosez, Jean-Marc Triscone and P.R. Willmott
Nature communications 3, 932 (2012)
The physical mechanisms responsible for the formation of a two-dimensional electron gas at the interface between insulating SrTiO3 and LaAlO3 have remained a contentious subject since its discovery in 2004. Opinion is divided between an intrinsic mechanism involving the build-up of an internal…
Archive ouverte UNIGEAlexandre Fete, Stefano Gariglio, Andrea Caviglia, Jean-Marc Triscone and M. Gabay
Physical review. B, Condensed matter and materials physics 86 20 (2012)
Archive ouverte UNIGED Isarakorn, D Briand, P Janphuang, Alessia Sambri, Stefano Gariglio, Jean-Marc Triscone, F Guy, J W Reiner, C H Ahn and N F de Rooij
Smart Materials and Structures 20 2, 025015 (2011)
This paper focuses on the fabrication and evaluation of vibration energy harvesting devices by utilizing an epitaxial Pb(Zr0.2Ti0.8)O3 (PZT) thin film. The high quality of the c-axis oriented PZT layer results in a high piezoelectric coefficient and a low dielectric constant, which are key…
Archive ouverte UNIGED. Isarakorn, D. Briand, Alessia Sambri, Stefano Gariglio, Jean-Marc Triscone, F. Guy, J.W. Reiner, C.H. Ahn and N.F. de Rooij
Sensors and Actuators. B, Chemical 153 1, 54-63 (2011)
In this paper, we investigate the performance of a piezoelectric membrane actuated by an epitaxial piezoelectric Pb(Zr0.2Ti0.8)O-3 (PZT) thin film for localized-mass sensing applications. The fabrication and characterization of piezoelectric circular membranes based on epitaxial thin films prepared …
Archive ouverte UNIGEI. Gélard, N. Jehanathan, H. Roussel, Stefano Gariglio, O. I. Lebedev, G. Van Tendeloo and C. Dubourdieu
Chemistry of Materials 23 5, 1232-1238 (2011)
The crystalline and defect structure of epitaxial hexagonal RExMnyO3 (RE = Er, Dy) films with varying cationic composition was investigated by X-ray diffraction and transmission electron microscopy. The films are composed of a strained layer at the interface with the substrate and of a relaxed…
Archive ouverte UNIGEPhilippe Ghosez and Jean-Marc Triscone
Nature Materials 10 4, 269-270 (2011)
The interaction between ferroelectric distortion and two rotational modes in some transition-metal oxides promises a strategy for strong magnetoelectronic coupling, possibly at room temperature.
Archive ouverte UNIGEStefano Gariglio, Jean-Marc Triscone and Andrea Caviglia
Physics 4, 59 (2011)
Archive ouverte UNIGEAlessia Sambri, Stefano Gariglio, A. Torres Pardo, Jean-Marc Triscone, O. Stéphan, J. W. Reiner and C. H. Ahn
Applied physics letters 98 1, 012903 (2011)
The structural and electrical properties of epitaxialPb(Zr0.2Ti0.8)O3thin filmsgrown on 2 in. (001) silicon wafers were investigated. Using x-ray diffraction, the lattice behavior of the heterostructure has been studied as a function of temperature, suggesting a 250 °C increase of the…
Archive ouverte UNIGERaoul Scherwitzl, Stefano Gariglio, M. Gabay, Pavlo Zubko, Marta Gibert Gutierrez and Jean-Marc Triscone
Physical review letters 106 24, 246403/1-4 (2011)
Archive ouverte UNIGEAlmudena Torres-Pardo, Alexandre Gloter, Pavlo Zubko, Noemie Marie Jecklin, Céline Lichtensteiger, Christian Colliex, Jean-Marc Triscone and Odile Stéphan
Physical review. B, Condensed matter and materials physics 84, 220102 (2011)
Archive ouverte UNIGEStefano Gariglio and Jean-Marc Triscone
Comptes rendus. Physique 12 5-6, 591-599 (2011)
This short review covers the emerging research field of interface superconductivity in complex oxide heterostructures. The first part of the paper is devoted to the prediction and observation of an interfacial superconducting state in metallic/insulating copper oxide bilayers. In the second part of …
Archive ouverte UNIGEPavlo Zubko, Stefano Gariglio, Marc Gabay, Philippe Ghosez and Jean-Marc Triscone
Annual review of condensed matter physics 2 1, 141-165 (2011)
Archive ouverte UNIGEClaudia Cancellieri, D. Fontaine, Stefano Gariglio, Nicolas Reyren, Andrea Caviglia, Alexandre Fete, S. Leake, S. Pauli, P. Willmott, M. Stengel, Ph. Ghosez and Jean-Marc Triscone
Physical review letters 107 5, 056102 (2011)
We present a direct comparison between experimental data and ab-initio calculations for the electrostrictive effect in the polar LaAlO3 layer grown on SrTiO3 substrates. From the structural data, a complete screening of the LaAlO3 dipole field is observed for film …
Archive ouverte UNIGEF. Le Marrec, H. Toupet, Céline Lichtensteiger, B. Dkhil and M.G. Karkut
Phase transitions 84 5-6, 453-473 (2011)
We report a temperature-dependent high-resolution X-ray diffraction investigation of 200 nm epitaxial BiFeO3 thin films grown on (001) SrTiO3. We were successful in making epitaxial thin films thermally stable, a key requirement for this study. Our results provide evidence that BiFeO3 undergoes…
Archive ouverte UNIGEAndrea Caviglia, J. Mannhart and Jean-Marc Triscone
Physics in Canada 67 2, 116-118,122 (2011)
Archive ouverte UNIGER. Jany, M. Breitschaft, G. Hammerl, A. Horsche, C. Richter, S. Paetel, J. Mannhart, Nicolas Stucki, Nicolas Reyren, Stefano Gariglio, Pavlo Zubko, Andrea Caviglia and Jean-Marc Triscone
Applied Physics Letters 96 18, 183504 (2010)
Using the metal-insulator transition that takes place as a function of carrier density at the LaAlO3-SrTiO3 interface, oxide diodes have been fabricated with room-temperature breakdown voltages of up to 200 V. With applied voltage, the capacitance of the diodes changes by a factor of 150. The…
Archive ouverte UNIGEØrnulf Nordseth, Chang Chuan You, Erik Folven, Stefano Gariglio, Alessia Sambri, Jean-Marc Triscone, James W. Reiner, Charles H. Ahn, Thomas Tybell and Jostein K. Grepstad
Thin Solid Films 518 19, 5471-5477 (2010)
Ferroelectric Pb0.92La0.08Zr0.4Ti0.6O3 (PLZT) thin films were deposited on SrTiO3-buffered Si(001) substrate by on-axis radio frequency magnetron sputtering. X-ray diffraction analysis revealed epitaxial growth of monocrystalline PLZT films, with an (001) rocking curve full width at half maximum of …
Archive ouverte UNIGED Isarakorn, Alessia Sambri, P Janphuang, D Briand, Stefano Gariglio, Jean-Marc Triscone, F Guy, J W Reiner, C H Ahn and N F de Rooij
Journal of Micromechanics and Microengineering 20 5, 055008 (2010)
This paper reports on the microfabrication and characterization of piezoelectric MEMS structures based on epitaxial Pb(Zr0.2Ti0.8)O3 (PZT) thin films grown on silicon wafers. Membranes and cantilevers are realized using a sequence of microfabrication processes optimized for epitaxial oxide layers….
Archive ouverte UNIGEH. Toupet, Françoise Le Marrec, Céline Lichtensteiger, B. Dkhil and M. G. Karkut
Physical Review. B, Condensed Matter 81 14 (2010)
We report a temperature-dependent high-resolution x-ray diffraction investigation of 200-nm epitaxial BiFeO3 thin films grown on (001) SrTiO3. We find that BiFeO3 undergoes two high-temperature transitions: a first-order α−β phase transition between 745 and 780 °C and a more diffuse…
Archive ouverte UNIGEStefano Gariglio, Marc Gabay and Jean-Marc Triscone
Nature Nanotechnology 5 1, 13-14 (2010)
Using oxide interface engineering, researchers have shown that a single layer of copper and oxygen atoms can support superconductivity in a bilayer structure made from a metal and an insulator.
Archive ouverte UNIGEAndrea Caviglia
Thèse (2010)
Dans cette thèse nous avons étudié l’interface entre un isolant, LaAlO3, et un semi-conducteur, SrTiO3, où un gaz électronique à été découvert. Dans cette thèse nous avons montré que cette interface devient supraconductrice à des températures inférieures à 300 mK et que le plan…
Archive ouverte UNIGERaoul Scherwitzl, Pavlo Zubko, Ignacio Gutierrez Lezama, Shimpei Ono, Alberto Morpurgo, Gustau Catalan and Jean-Marc Triscone
Advanced materials 22 48, 5517-5520 (2010)
Archive ouverte UNIGEPavlo Zubko, Nicolas Stucki, Céline Lichtensteiger and Jean-Marc Triscone
Physical review letters 104 18, 187601 (2010)
Archive ouverte UNIGEI. Pallecchi, M. Codda, E. Galleani d'Agliano, D. Marré, Andrea Caviglia, Nicolas Reyren, Stefano Gariglio and Jean-Marc Triscone
Physical review. B, Condensed matter and materials physics 81 8, 085414 (2010)
Archive ouverte UNIGEAndrea Caviglia, M. Gabay, Stefano Gariglio, Nicolas Reyren, Claudia Cancellieri and Jean-Marc Triscone
Physical review letters 104 12, 126803 (2010)
The quasi-two-dimensional electron gas found at the LaAlO3/SrTiO3 interface offers exciting new functionalities, such as tunable superconductivity, and has been proposed as a new nanoelectronics fabrication platform. Here we lay out a new example of an electronic property arising from the…
Archive ouverte UNIGEClaudia Cancellieri, Nicolas Reyren, Stefano Gariglio, Andrea Caviglia, Alexandre Fete and Jean-Marc Triscone
Europhysics letters 91 1, 17004 (2010)
Archive ouverte UNIGEAndrea Caviglia, Stefano Gariglio, Claudia Cancellieri, Benjamin Sacepe, Alexandre Fete, Nicolas Reyren, M. Gabay, Alberto Morpurgo and Jean-Marc Triscone
Physical review letters 105 23, 236802 (2010)
We report on a study of magnetotransport in LaAlO3/SrTiO3 interfaces characterized by mobilities of the order of several thousands cm2/V s. We observe Shubnikov–de Haas oscillations whose period depends only on the perpendicular component of the magnetic field. This…
Archive ouverte UNIGEJill Guyonnet, Hélène Bea, F. Guy, Stefano Gariglio, S. Fusil, K. Bouzehouane, Jean-Marc Triscone and Patrycja Paruch
Applied physics letters 95 13, 132902 (2009)
Archive ouverte UNIGEAnna-Sabina Ruetschi and Didier Jaccard
The European physical journal. B, Condensed matter physics 67 1, 43-49 (2009)
High pressure resistivity measurements of the organic compound (TMTTF)2BF4 have been performed in a newly developped Bridgman cell providing good pressure conditions on a wide pressure range. For the first time in this compound a zero resistance superconducting state is observed between 3 and 4GPa. …
Archive ouverte UNIGET. Schneider, Andrea Caviglia, Stefano Gariglio, Nicolas Reyren and Jean-Marc Triscone
Physical Review. B, Condensed Matter 79 18, 184502 (2009)
Recently superconductivity at the interface between the insulators LaAlO3 and SrTiO3 has been tuned with the electric-field effect to an unprecedented range of transition temperatures. Here we perform a detailed finite-size scaling analysis to explore the compatibility of the phase-transition line…
Archive ouverte UNIGEStefano Gariglio, Nicolas Reyren, Andrea Caviglia and Jean-Marc Triscone
Journal of Physics. Condensed Matter 21 16, 164213 (2009)
We report on the structural characterization of LaAlO3/SrTiO3 interfaces and on their transport properties. LaAlO3 films were prepared using pulsed laser deposition onto TiO2 terminated (001) SrTiO3 substrates inducing a metallic conduction at the interface. Resistance and Hall effect measurements…
Archive ouverte UNIGENicolas Reyren, Stefano Gariglio, Andrea Caviglia, Didier Jaccard, T. Schneider and Jean-Marc Triscone
Applied Physics Letters 94 11, 112506 (2009)
The superconducting transport properties of the conducting LaAlO3/SrTiO3 interface have been investigated in perpendicular and parallel magnetic fields. A large anisotropy in the transport properties is measured and the two-dimensional nature of the superconducting gas is confirmed. Analyses of the …
Archive ouverte UNIGES. Thiel, C. W. Schneider, L. F. Kourkoutis, Dominique Muller, Nicolas Reyren, Andrea Caviglia, Stefano Gariglio, Jean-Marc Triscone and J. Mannhart
Physical review letters 102 4, 046809 (2009)
We report experimental investigations of the effects of microstructural defects and of disorder on the properties of 2D electron gases at oxide interfaces. The cross section for scattering of electrons at dislocations in LaAlO3/SrTiO3 interfaces has been measured and found to…
Archive ouverte UNIGENicolas Reyren
Thèse (2009)
Nous avons étudié trois systèmes supraconducteurs quasiment bidimensionnels (2D): le NdBa2Cu3O7-δ, un supraconducteur à haute température critique (HTS), le SrTiO3 dopé au Nb (Nb-STO) et l’interface LaAIO3. Dans ces trois systèmes, nous avons examiné les propriétés de l’état…
Archive ouverte UNIGERaoul Scherwitzl, Pavlo Zubko, Céline Lichtensteiger and Jean-Marc Triscone
Applied physics letters 95 22, 222114 (2009)
Archive ouverte UNIGEHajo Molegraaf, Jason Hoffman, Carlos A. F. Vaz, Stefano Gariglio, Dirk Van Der Marel, Charles Ahn and Jean-Marc Triscone
Advanced materials 21 34, 3470-3474 (2009)
Archive ouverte UNIGEPavlo Zubko and Jean-Marc Triscone
Nature 460 7251, 45-46 (2009)
Archive ouverte UNIGEAndrea Caviglia, Stefano Gariglio, Nicolas Reyren, Didier Jaccard, T. Schneider, M. Gabay, S. Thiel, G. Hammerl, J. Mannhart and Jean-Marc Triscone
Nature 456 7222, 624-627 (2008)
Interfaces between complex oxides are emerging as one of the most interesting systems in condensed matter physics1. In this special setting, in which translational symmetry is artificially broken, a variety of new and unusual electronic phases can be promoted2. Theoretical studies predict complex…
Archive ouverte UNIGER. Salut, Stefano Gariglio, W. Daniau, H. Majjad, Gilles Triscone, Jean-Marc Triscone and S. Ballandras
Ferroelectrics 362 1, 105-114 (2008)
The possibility to manufacture single devices allowing the 10 GHz threshold to be largely overcome has been demonstrated using Electron-beam lithography. In this paper, we propose an original alternative to lithographic techniques based on the Focused Ion Beam etching technique to fabricate SAW…
Archive ouverte UNIGENicolas Stucki
Thèse (2008)
Dans ce travail, nous étudions les propriétés de superréseaux de PbTiO₃ et SrTiO₃. Pour des couches épaisses de chacun des constituants, le système se comporte comme prévu par notre modèle électrostatique, en trouvant un équilibre entre les propriétés ferro- et paraélectrique de…
Archive ouverte UNIGEMatthew Dawber, Céline Lichtensteiger and Jean-Marc Triscone
Phase transitions 81 7-8, 623-642 (2008)
Phase transition behaviour in ferroelectric materials is strongly dependent on boundary conditions, both electrical and mechanical. In this article, we cover several topics. Beginning with thin films, we look at the suppression of ferroelectricity as film thickness is reduced, covering two…
Archive ouverte UNIGEEric Bousquet, Matthew Dawber, Nicolas Stucki, Céline Lichtensteiger, Patrick Hermet, Stefano Gariglio, Jean-Marc Triscone and Philippe Ghosez
Nature 452 7188, 732-736 (2008)
Ferroelectric thin films and superlattices are currently the subject of intensive research(1,2) because of the interest they raise for technological applications and also because their properties are of fundamental scientific importance(3-5). Ferroelectric superlattices(6) allow the tuning of the…
Archive ouverte UNIGEMatthew Dawber, Nicolas Stucki, Céline Lichtensteiger, Stefano Gariglio and Jean-Marc Triscone
Journal of physics. Condensed matter 20 26, 264015 (2008)
We present a brief review of the role of interfacial physics in ferroelectric oxides, with an emphasis on the importance of boundary conditions that determine the properties of very thin ferroelectric films and superlattices. As well as discussing the screening problem, and the role of strain and…
Archive ouverte UNIGEAnna-Sabina Ruetschi and Didier Jaccard
Review of scientific instruments 78 12, 123901 (2007)
The advantage of Bridgman anvil pressurecells is their wide pressure range and the large number of wires which can be introduced into the pressure chamber. In these pressurecells, soft solidpressure mediums such as steatite are used. We have succeeded in adapting the Bridgman cell to liquidpressure …
Archive ouverte UNIGENicolas Reyren, S. Thiel, Andrea Caviglia, L. F. Kourkoutis, G. Hammerl, C. Richter, C. W. Schneider, T. Kopp, Anna-Sabina Ruetschi, Didier Jaccard, M. Gabay, D. A. Muller, Jean-Marc Triscone and J. Mannhart
Science 317 5842, 1196-1199 (2007)
At interfaces between complex oxides, electronic systems with unusual electronic properties can be generated. We report on superconductivity in the electron gas formed at the interface between two insulating dielectric perovskite oxides, LaAlO3 and SrTiO3. The behavior of the electron gas is that…
Archive ouverte UNIGER. Salut, W. Daniau, S. Ballandras, Stefano Gariglio, Gilles Triscone and Jean-Marc Triscone
IEEE Ultrasonics Symposium, 1421-1424 (2007)
In this paper, we investigate the capability of epitaxial Pb(Zr0.2Ti0.8)O3 thin films for RF applications. Films have been grown on insulating (001) SrTiO3 single crystal substrates by off-axis magnetron sputtering in 180 mTorr of an oxygen/argon mixture at a substrate temperature of 510degC….
Archive ouverte UNIGEStefano Gariglio, Nicolas Stucki, Jean-Marc Triscone and Gilles Triscone
Applied Physics Letters 90 20, 202905 (2007)
Strain relaxation and the ferroelectric critical temperature were investigated in a series of epitaxial Pb(Zr0.20Ti0.80)O-3 thin films of different thicknesses grown on metallic 0.5% Nb-doped SrTiO3 substrates. Detailed x-ray diffraction studies reveal that strain relaxation progressively occurs…
Archive ouverte UNIGEDaniel Matthey, Nicolas Reyren, Jean-Marc Triscone and T. Schneider
Physical Review Letters 98 5/057002 (2007)
Archive ouverte UNIGEKarin M. Rabe, Charles Ahn and Jean-Marc Triscone
Livre, 388 (2007)
During the past two decades, revolutionary breakthroughs have occurred in the understanding of ferroelectric materials, both from the perspective of theory and experiment. First principles approaches, including the Berry phase formulation of ferroelectricity, now allow accurate, quantitative…
Archive ouverte UNIGEKarin M. Rabe, Matthew Dawber, Céline Lichtensteiger, Charles Ahn and Jean-Marc Triscone
Physics of ferroelectrics : a modern perspective, 1-30 (2007)
Archive ouverte UNIGECéline Lichtensteiger and Matthew Dawber
Physics of ferroelectrics : a modern perspective, 373-383 (2007)
Archive ouverte UNIGECéline Lichtensteiger, Matthew Dawber and Jean-Marc Triscone
Physics of ferroelectrics : a modern perspective, 305-337 (2007)
In this chapter, we have reviewed, with a focus on our own efforts, the history, current and future perspectives on the problem of ferroelectric size effects. This past decade has seen an explosion of activity in the field of nanoscale ferroelectrics, with a broad spectrum of novel and artificial…
Archive ouverte UNIGEAgham-Bayan Posadas, Mikk Lippmaa, Fred J. Walker, Matthew Dawber, Charles Ahn and Jean-Marc Triscone
Physics of ferroelectrics : a modern perspective, 219-304 (2007)
Archive ouverte UNIGECéline Lichtensteiger, Matthew Dawber, Nicolas Stucki, Jean-Marc Triscone, Jason Hoffman, Jeng-Bang Yau, Charles Ahn, Laurent Despont and Philipp Aebi
Applied physics letters 90 5, 052907 (2007)
Finite size effects in ferroelectric thin films have been probed in a series of epitaxial perovskite c-axis oriented PbTiO3 films grown on thin La0.67Sr0.33MnO3 epitaxial electrodes. The film thickness ranges from 480 down to 28 A (seven unit cells). The evolution of the film tetragonality c/a,…
Archive ouverte UNIGEMatthew Dawber, Nicolas Stucki, Céline Lichtensteiger, Stefano Gariglio, P. Ghosez and Jean-Marc Triscone
Advanced materials 19 23, 4153-4159 (2007)
The polarization of PbTiO3/SrTiO3 superlattices is experimentally tuned from 0-60 mu C/cm(-2) and the transition temperature from room temperature to 1000 K while maintaining a perfect crystal structure and low leakage currents (see figure). A simple model based on Landau theory is developed as a…
Archive ouverte UNIGEPatrycja Paruch, Thierry Giamarchi, Per Thomas Martin Tybell and Jean-Marc Triscone
Journal of applied physics 100 5, 051608 (2006)
Archive ouverte UNIGEPatrycja Paruch and Jean-Marc Triscone
Applied physics letters 88 16, 162907 (2006)
Archive ouverte UNIGEC. H. Ahn, A. Bhattacharya, M. Di Ventra, J. N. Eckstein, C. Daniel Frisbie, M. E. Gershenson, A. M. Goldman, I. H. Inoue, J. Mannhart, Andrew J. Millis, Alberto Morpurgo, Douglas Natelson and Jean-Marc Triscone
Reviews of modern physics 78 4, 1185-1212 (2006)
Application of the field-effect transistor principle to novel materials to achieve electrostatic doping is a relatively new research area. It may provide the opportunity to bring about modifications of the electronic and magnetic properties of materials through controlled and reversible changes of…
Archive ouverte UNIGEKei Takahashi, M. Gabay, Didier Jaccard, K. Shibuya, T. Ohnishi, M. Lippmaa and Jean-Marc Triscone
Nature 441 7090, 195-198 (2006)
Correlated oxides display a variety of extraordinary physical properties including high-temperature superconductivity1 and colossal magnetoresistance2. In these materials, strong electronic correlations often lead to competing ground states that are sensitive to many parameters—in particular the…
Archive ouverte UNIGEPablo Pedrazzini, Didier Jaccard, G. Lapertot, J. Flouquet, Y. Inada, H. Kohara and Y. Onuki
Physica. B, Condensed matter 378-380, 165-166 (2006)
Recent studies show that the non-Fermi liquid (NFL) behavior of MnSi and Fe spans over an unexpectedly broad pressure range, between the critical pressure pcpc and around 2pc2pc. In order to determine the extension of their NFL regions, we analyze the evolution of the resistivity…
Archive ouverte UNIGEE. Courjon, N. Bodin, G. Lengaigne, L. Gauthier-Manuel, W. Daniau, S. Ballandras, Patrycja Paruch, Jean-Marc Triscone and J. Hauden
International Frequency Control Symposium and Exposition, 831-834 (2006)
The development of piezoelectric transducers based on periodically poled ferroelectrics domains is investigated. Optical quality Z-cut LiNbO3 wafers have been used for the fabrication of test devices operating in the range 7-70 MHz. The fabrication process is detailed and characterization results…
Archive ouverte UNIGEMatthew Dawber, Céline Lichtensteiger, Patrycja Paruch and Jean-Marc Triscone
IEEE Transactions on Ultrasonics, Ferroelectrics and Frequency Control 53 12, 2261-2269 (2006)
Understanding the behavior of ferroelectrics on the nanoscale level requires the production of materials of the highest quality and advanced characterization techniques for probing the fascinating properties of these systems with reduced dimensions. Here we give an overview of our recent…
Archive ouverte UNIGECéline Lichtensteiger
Thèse (2006)
Ce travail porte sur l’étude de l’évolution des propriétés physiques de matériaux ferroélectriques lorsque la taille de ces matériaux est réduite à l’échelle nanométrique. Cette étude représente un défi sur le plan expérimental puisque des films ultraminces de haute qualité…
Archive ouverte UNIGEL. Despont, C. Koitzsch, F. Clerc, M. Garnier, P. Aebi, Céline Lichtensteiger, Jean-Marc Triscone, F. Garcia de Abajo, E. Bousquet and Ph. Ghosez
Physical review. B, Condensed matter and materials physics 73 9 (2006)
X-ray photoelectron diffraction is used to directly probe the intracell polar atomic distortion and tetragonality associated with ferroelectricity in ultrathin epitaxial PbTiO3 films. Our measurements, combined with ab initio calculations, unambiguously demonstrate noncentrosymmetry in films a few…
Archive ouverte UNIGEL. Despont, Céline Lichtensteiger, F. Clerc, M. G. Garnier, F.J. Garcia de Abajo, M. A. Van Hove, Jean-Marc Triscone and P. Aebi
The European physical journal. B, Condensed matter physics 49 2, 141-146 (2006)
Full hemispherical X-ray photoelectron diffraction (XPD) experiments have been performed to investigate at the atomic level ultrathin epitaxial c-axis oriented PbTiO3 (PTO) films grown on Nb-doped SrTiO3 substrates. Comparison between experiment and theory allows us to identify a preferential…
Archive ouverte UNIGEPatrycja Paruch, Thierry Giamarchi and Jean-Marc Triscone
Physical review letters 94 19, 197601 (2005)
Archive ouverte UNIGEDidier Jaccard and Alexander Holmes
Physica. B, Condensed matter 359-361, 333-340 (2005)
We review the evidence supporting valence-fluctuation-mediated superconductivity in CeCu 2Si 2 and CeCu 2Ge 2, where Tc reaches 2.4 K at high pressure. In these systems the valence and magnetic critical points, at pv and pc, respectively, are well separated. Characteristic signatures associated…
Archive ouverte UNIGEA. Posadas, J.-B. Yau, C. H. Ahn, J. Han, Stefano Gariglio, K. Johnston, K. M. Rabe and J. B. Neaton
Applied Physics Letters 87 17, 171915 (2005)
In this work, we report on the epitaxial growth of multiferroic YMnO3 on GaN. Both materials are hexagonal with a nominal lattice mismatch of 4%, yet x-ray diffraction reveals an unexpected 30 degrees rotation between the unit cells of YMnO3 and GaN that results in a much larger lattice mismatch…
Archive ouverte UNIGEKei Takahashi, Didier Jaccard, Jean-Marc Triscone, K. Shibuya, T. Ohnishi and M. Lippmaa
Strongly Correlated Electron Materials: Physics and Nanoengineering. Proceedings SPIE 5932, vol. 5932: Optics and photonics, 59321K (2005)
Archive ouverte UNIGECéline Lichtensteiger, Jean-Marc Triscone, Javier Junquera and Philippe Ghosez
Physical review letters 94 4, 047603-1 (2005)
The evolution of tetragonality with thickness has been probed in epitaxial c-axis oriented PbTiO3 films with thicknesses ranging from 500 down to 24 Angstrom. High resolution x ray pointed out a systematic decrease of the c-axis lattice parameter with decreasing film thickness below 200 Angstrom….
Archive ouverte UNIGEMatthew Dawber, Céline Lichtensteiger, Marco Cantoni, M. Veithen, P. Ghosez, K. Johnston, K. Rabe and Jean-Marc Triscone
Physical review letters 95 17, 177601-177601 (2005)
Artificial PbTiO3/SrTiO3 superlattices were constructed using off-axis rf magnetron sputtering. X-ray diffraction and piezoelectric atomic force microscopy were used to study the evolution of the ferroelectric polarization as the ratio of PbTiO3 to SrTiO3 was changed. For PbTiO3 layer thicknesses…
Archive ouverte UNIGEKoyilothu Sarin Kumar, Patrycja Paruch, Jean-Marc Triscone, W. Daniau, S. Ballandras, Luca Pellegrino, D. Marré and Per Thomas Martin Tybell
Applied physics letters 85 10, 1757 (2004)
Archive ouverte UNIGEHeribert Wilhelm and Didier Jaccard
Physical review. B, Condensed matter and materials physics 69 21 (2004)
The temperature dependence of the thermoelectric power, S(T), and the electrical resistivity of the magnetically ordered CeRu2Ge2 (TN=8.55K and TC=7.40K) were measured for pressures p
Archive ouverte UNIGEAlexander Holmes, Didier Jaccard, G. Behr, Y. Inada and Y. Onuki
Journal of physics. Condensed matter 16 14, S1121-S1127 (2004)
We report further resistivemeasurements under pressure of samples of iron from multiple sources. The normal state resistivity of ε-iron varied as ρ0 + AT5/3 at low temperature over the entire superconducting pressure domain. The superconductivity could be destroyed by mechanical work, and was…
Archive ouverte UNIGEKamran Behnia, Didier Jaccard and Jacques Flouquet
Journal of physics. Condensed matter 16 28, 5187-5198 (2004)
The Seebeck coefficient of a metal is expected to display a linear temperature dependence in the zero-temperature limit. To attain this regime, it is often necessary to cool the system well below 1 K. We put under scrutiny the magnitude of this term in different families of strongly interacting…
Archive ouverte UNIGEKei Takahashi, Daniel Matthey, Didier Jaccard, Jean-Marc Triscone, K. Shibuya, T. Ohnishi and M. Lippmaa
Applied physics letters 84 10, 1722 (2004)
We have performed ferroelectric field effect experiments using an epitaxialheterostructure composed of ferroelectricPb(Zr0.2Ti0.8)O3 and superconducting Nb-doped SrTiO3. The films were prepared on (001) SrTiO3 substrates by off-axis radio-frequency magnetron sputtering and pulsed-laser deposition….
Archive ouverte UNIGEAlexander Holmes, Didier Jaccard and Kazumasa Miyake
Physical review. B, Condensed matter and materials physics 69 2 (2004)
Simultaneous resistivity and ac specific heat measurements have been performed under pressure on singlecrystalline CeCu2Si2 to over 6 GPa in a hydrostatic helium pressure medium. A series of anomalies was observed around the pressure coinciding with a maximum in the superconducting critical…
Archive ouverte UNIGEA. Demuer, Didier Jaccard, J.W. Reiner, C.H. Ahn and Jean-Marc Triscone
Annalen der Physik 13 12, 72-73 (2004)
We report on resistivity and Hall measurements performed on epitaxial thin films of the weak ferromagnet SrRuO3 under hydrostatic pressure up to 21.4 GPa. In the low pressure range (< 13 GPa), we observe a linear pressure dependence of the Curie temperature with a rate −6KGPa−1 similar to that...
Archive ouverte UNIGEKei Takahashi, Daniel Matthey, Didier Jaccard and Jean-Marc Triscone
Annalen der Physik 13 12, 68-69 (2004)
SrTiO3 single crystal surfaces were reduced using an hydrogen plasma cleaning method at room temperature. Transport measurements show that the reduced SrTiO3 surfaces are metallic with mobilities as high as 2.4×103 cm2/Vs at 10 K, comparable to those of bulk single crystals. The average carrier…
Archive ouverte UNIGEC. H. Ahn, K. M. Rabe and Jean-Marc Triscone
Science 303 5657, 488-491 (2004)
Ferroelectric oxide materials have offered a tantalizing potential for applications since the discovery of ferroelectric perovskites more than 50 years ago. Their switchable electric polarization is ideal for use in devices for memory storage and integrated microelectronics, but progress has long…
Archive ouverte UNIGED Halley, C Rossel, D Widmer, H Wolf and Stefano Gariglio
Materials Science and Engineering. B 109 1-3, 113-116 (2004)
Perovskite SrRuO3 films are promising candidates as metallic electrodes in high-permittivity (high k) capacitors and possibly in fully epitaxial CMOS stacks. The thermal stability of SrRuO3 during forming-gas (FG) anneal is an important requirement and is investigated here by in situ X-ray…
Archive ouverte UNIGEPatrycja Paruch, Nicolas Stucki, Céline Lichtensteiger, Matthew Dawber, Sarin Kumar, Stefano Gariglio, Daniel Matthey, Kei Takahashi and Jean-Marc Triscone
MaNEP Newsletter 6, 6 (2004)
Ferroelectric materials possess unique properties such as pyroelectricity and piezoelectricity useful for a wide range of technological applications, from non-volatile memories to sensors and actuators. Maintaining the continual rate of miniaturization of such devices presents many challenges, and…
Archive ouverte UNIGEW. Daniau, A.K.S. Kumar, Patrycja Paruch, D. Marré, Jean-Marc Triscone and S. Ballandras
IEEE Ultrasonics Symposium, 441-444 (2004)
We propose a novel piezoelectric interdigital transducer (PIT) based on alternately poled domains of a ferroelectric thin film deposited on top of a single crystal substrate. This transducer offers an alternative to the interdigital transducer (IDT) for the excitation of very high frequency surface …
Archive ouverte UNIGEAlexander Thomas Holmes
Thèse (2004)
This thesis attempts to answer the question: what is the superconducting mechanism in e-iron and CeCu2Si2? There are many reasons to think that it is not a conventional BCS-type mechanism in either system. Pressure enables us to continuously vary the electronic properties of a material, and…
Archive ouverte UNIGECéline Lichtensteiger and Jean-Marc Triscone
Integrated ferroelectrics 61 1, 143-148 (2004)
Using off-axis magnetron sputtering onto metallic Nb-SrTiO3 substrates, we have grown a series of epitaxial c-axis oriented PbTiO3 perovskite films with thicknesses ranging from 460 A ̊ down to 12 A ̊ (about 3 unit cells). Topographic measurements using atomic force microscopy showed that these…
Archive ouverte UNIGEDaniel Matthey
Thèse (2004)
Cette thèse s’est développée à partir de l’étude des propriétés de transport dans la région sous-dopée du diagramme de phase “température en fonction du dopage” dans des couches minces de REBa2Cu3O7−δ (RE : terre rare). Notre étude souligne en particulier l’importance des fluctuations …
Archive ouverte UNIGEStefano Gariglio
Thèse (2003)
Cette thèse étudie les propriétés électroniques de deux systèmes à fortes corrélations électroniques dont la densité de porteurs a été modifiée de façon contrôlée. Dans le premier système, la modification par dopage chimique du contenu en oxygène de couches minces de LaTiO₃, un…
Archive ouverte UNIGEC.H. Ahn, Jean-Marc Triscone and J. Mannhart
Nature 424 6952, 1015-1018 (2003)
Semiconducting field-effect transistors are the workhorses of the modern electronics era. Recently, application of the field-effect approach to compounds other than semiconductors has created opportunities to electrostatically modulate types of correlated electron behaviour—including…
Archive ouverte UNIGEDaniel Matthey, Stefano Gariglio and Jean-Marc Triscone
Applied Physics Letters 83 18, 3758-3760 (2003)
We report on the electrostatic modulation of superconductivity in very thin films of cuprate superconductors using a field-effect device based on a SrTiO3 single-crystal gate insulator. A T-c modulation of 3.5 K and a 37% change of the normal state resistance have been observed in an epitaxial…
Archive ouverte UNIGEA. Rüfenacht, P. Chappatte, Stefano Gariglio, C. Leemann, J. Fompeyrine, J.-P. Locquet and P. Martinoli
Solid-state Electronics 47 12, 2167-2170 (2003)
We have developed an approach to grow high quality ultra-thin films of La2-xSrxCuO4 with molecular beam epitaxy, by adding a homoepitaxial buffer layer in order to minimize the degradation of the film structure at the interface. The advantage of this method is to enable a further reduction of the…
Archive ouverte UNIGEPer Thomas Martin Tybell, Patrycja Paruch, Thierry Giamarchi and Jean-Marc Triscone
Physical review letters 89 9, 097601 (2002)
Archive ouverte UNIGEFrançoise Le Marrec, A. Demuer, Didier Jaccard, Jean-Marc Triscone, M. K. Lee and C. B. Eom
Applied physics letters 80 13, 2338 (2002)
We report on measurements of electrical resistivity and determination of the Curie temperature of single-crystal epitaxial ferromagnetic SrRuO3 thin films under hydrostatic pressures up to 23 GPa. The SrRuO3 thin film was grown on vicinal (001) SrTiO3 substrate using 90° off-axis magnetron…
Archive ouverte UNIGEA. Demuer, Alexander Holmes and Didier Jaccard
Journal of physics. Condensed matter 14 28, L529-L535 (2002)
We report resistivity and calorimetric measurements on two single crystals of CePd2Si2 pressurized up to 7.4 GPa. A weak uniaxial stress induced in the pressure cell demonstrates the sensitivity of the physics to anisotropy. Stress applied along the c-axis extends the whole phase diagram to higher…
Archive ouverte UNIGEStefano Gariglio, Charles Ahn, Daniel Matthey and Jean-Marc Triscone
Physical Review Letters 88 6, 067002 (2002)
We have used the ferroelectric field effect in heterostructures based on superconducting NdBa2Cu3O7-delta and ferroelectric Pb(Zr0.2Ti0.8)O-3 to electrostatically modulate in a reversible and nonvolatile fashion the hole carrier density of the superconducting layer. Reversing the ferroelectric…
Archive ouverte UNIGEPatrycja Paruch, Per Thomas Martin Tybell and Jean-Marc Triscone
Applied physics letters 79 4, 530 (2001)
Archive ouverte UNIGEA. Demuer, Didier Jaccard, Ilya Sheikin, Stéphane Raymond, B. Salce, J. Thomasson, D. Braithwaite and J. Flouquet
Journal of physics. Condensed matter 13 41, 9335-9347 (2001)
Using helium as a pressure-transmitting medium in a diamond anvil cell enabled a high-quality sample of the antiferromagnet CePd2Si2 to be studied in a highly hydrostatic environment. With the aid of a low-temperature force-modulation device, ac calorimetric measurements were made up to 25 kbar and …
Archive ouverte UNIGEMichel André Decroux, Louis Antognazza, Nicolas Musolino, E. de Chambrier, S. Reymond, Jean-Marc Triscone, Oystein Fischer, W. Paul and M. Chen
IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity 11 1, 2046-2049 (2001)
We have studied the properties of superconducting strip lines, based on epitaxial YBCO thin films, at high current densities. Experiments performed with short constant current pulses show that a quasi spontaneous highly dissipative state (HDS) appears at high current densities. By carefully…
Archive ouverte UNIGEDaniel Matthey, Stefano Gariglio, Bernard Giovannini and Jean-Marc Triscone
Physical Review. B, Condensed Matter 64 2, 024513 (2001)
We report on measurements of the resistivity and Hall coefficient in underdoped GdBa2Cu3O7-delta epitaxial thin films grown by off-axis magnetron sputtering. The films have been lithographically patterned allowing precise measurements of the temperature dependencies of the inverse Hall constant…
Archive ouverte UNIGEStefano Gariglio, J. W. Seo, J. Fompeyrine, J.-P. Locquet and Jean-Marc Triscone
Physical Review. B, Condensed Matter 63 16, 161103 (2001)
We report on the transport properties, Hall effect and resistivity, of epitaxial La1-yTiO3+delta thin films. The materials, grown by molecular beam epitaxy, display a temperature independent Hall coefficient and a characteristic T-2 dependence of the resistivity over a wide temperature range,…
Archive ouverte UNIGEOlivier Kuffer, Ivan Maggio-Aprile, Jean-Marc Triscone, Oystein Fischer and Christoph Renner
Applied physics letters 77 11, 1701 (2000)
We report on scanning tunneling microscopymeasurements of the piezoelectric response in ferroelectricheterostructuresgrown by off-axis rf magnetronsputtering. The samples are composed of a single-crystalline ferroelectricfilm of Pb(Zr0.2Ti0.8)O3deposited on a conducting substrate and covered with…
Archive ouverte UNIGECharles Ahn, Stefano Gariglio, Patrycja Paruch, Per Thomas Martin Tybell, Louis Antognazza and Jean-Marc Triscone
Science 284 5417, 1152-1155 (1999)
Archive ouverte UNIGEDaniel Matthey, Danièle Marre, Stefano Gariglio and Jean-Marc Triscone
Journal of Low Temperature Physics 117 5/6, 1169-1173 (1999)
We have investigated the transport properties, resistivity and Hall effect, in a series of underdoped GdBa2Cu3Ox thin films grown by off-axis magnetron sputtering. We find a systematic correlation between the critical temperature T-c and the inverse Hall constant R-H(-1), related, in simple models, …
Archive ouverte UNIGEPer Thomas Martin Tybell, Charles Ahn and Jean-Marc Triscone
Applied Physics Letters 75 6, 856-858 (1999)
Archive ouverte UNIGECharles Ahn, Thomas Tybell, Louis Antognazza, K. Char, M.R. Beasley, C. Beeli, P. Stadelmann, Oystein Fischer and Jean-Marc Triscone
Superconducting and Related Oxides: Physics and Nanoengineering III, 435-441 (1998)
We report on ferroelectric field effect experiments in epitaxial oxide heterostructures consisting of the ferroelectric oxide Pb(Zr,Ti)O₃ and the metallic oxides GdBa₂Cu₃O₇ and SrRuO₃. To perform the experiments, we used conventional capacitor structures, as well as a scanning probe…
Archive ouverte UNIGEL. Fàbrega, E. Koller, Jean-Marc Triscone and Oystein Fischer
Journal of Materials Research 13 08, 2195-2201 (1998)
We report on the preparation and characterization of epitaxial ACuO2 (A = Sr, Ca, Ba) thin films and multilayers with the so- called infinite layer (IL) structure, by rf magnetron sputtering. Films and multilayers without Ba have a remarkable crystal quality, whereas those containing this large ion …
Archive ouverte UNIGEPer Thomas Martin Tybell, Louis Antognazza, Charles Ahn, Laurent Frauchiger, Michel André Decroux, Oystein Fischer and Jean-Marc Triscone
Le vide: science, technique et applications 283, 48-60 (1997)
Nous rapportons la croissance de structures épitaxiales composées de perovskites ferroélectriques du type Pb(Zr, Ti)O₃ (PZT) et de différents oxydes supraconducteurs ou apparentés aux supraconducteurs à haute température critique. Des couches épitaxiales de PZT ont été obtenues par…
Archive ouverte UNIGEHaruhiko Obara, Magnus Karl Johan Andersson, Lourdes Fàbrega, Patrice Claude Fivat, Jean-Marc Triscone, Michel André Decroux and Oystein Fischer
Physical Review Letters 74 15, 3041-3044 (1995)
We report on the observation of a change in the field dependence of the critical current density Jc of DyBa2Cu3O7/(Y0.45Pr0.55)Ba2Cu3O7 superlattices at a characteristic magnetic field H∗s. This change shows up as an abrupt transition when analyzing the current-voltage ( I−V) characteristics in …
Archive ouverte UNIGEY. Suzuki, Jean-Marc Triscone, M.R. Beasley and T.H. Geballe
Physical Review. B, Condensed Matter 52 9, 6858-6862 (1995)
We have investigated resistive properties of a-axis YBa₂Cu₃O₇/a,b-axis PrBa₂Cu₃O₇ superlattices in magnetic fields to study thermally activated flux-flow resistance. We find that in magnetic fields perpendicular to the YBa₂Cu₃O₇/PrBa₂Cu₃O₇ layering the activation energies of …
Archive ouverte UNIGEPatrice Claude Fivat, Jean-Marc Triscone, Magnus Karl Johan Andersson, Michel André Decroux and Oystein Fischer
Proceedings SPIE 2157: Superconducting Superlattices and Multilayers (1994)
We report on the behavior of high Tc superconductors coupled multilayer structures in magnetic field parallel and perpendicular to the ab plane. These structures consist of N 24 angstroms thick DyBa2Cu3O7 layers, each separated from the next by 96 angstroms of an (formula available in paper) alloy. …
Archive ouverte UNIGEPatrice Claude Fivat, Jean-Marc Triscone, Magnus Karl Johan Andersson, Haruhiko Obara and Oystein Fischer
Physica. C, Superconductivity 235-240, 2599-2600 (1994)
Thermally activated flux motion is studied in proximity coupled multilayers, containing a number N of 24Å thick DyBa2Cu3O7 layers separated by 96Å (or more) of (Y1−xPrx)Ba2Cu3O7 alloy (x=0.4, x=0.55). In contrast to ultra-thin decoupled layers, for which we find that the activation energy for…
Archive ouverte UNIGEEdmond Koller, Laurent Mieville, Maria Lourdes Fabrega Sanchez, Jean-Marc Triscone and Oystein Fischer
Physica C: Superconductivity and Its Applications 235-240, 707-708 (1994)
Thin films of the infinite layer compound (Sr1−x Ndx)CuO2 have been grown on (100) SrTiO3 substrates by RF reactive magnetron sputtering. Four-circle x-ray diffractometry reveals that (Sr,Nd)CuO2 thin films can be epitaxially grown with (001) orientation. Four-point transport measurements show…
Archive ouverte UNIGEPatrice Claude Fivat, Jean-Marc Triscone and Oystein Fischer
Journal of Superconductivity 7 1, 181-185 (1994)
Multilayer structures containing 24 Å thick DyBa2Cu3O7 layers, separated by 96 Å of an (Y0.6Pr0.4)Ba2Cu3O7 alloy, are studied to investigate the effect of coupling on vortex dynamics. With the magnetic field perpendicular to theab plane, and as a function of the number of superconducting layers…
Archive ouverte UNIGEY. Suzuki, Jean-Marc Triscone, C.B. Eom, M.R. Beasley and T.H. Geballe
Physical Review Letters 73 2, 328-331 (1994)
We have investigated resistive transitions of a axis YBa₂Cu₃O₇/a,b axis PrBa₂Cu₃O₇ superlattices in a magnetic field to study the correlation length of vortices along the a axis direction of YBa₂Cu₃O₇ across an a,b-axis oriented PrBa₂Cu₃O₇ barrier. The correlation of…
Archive ouverte UNIGEJean-Marc Triscone, Patrice Claude Fivat, Olivier Brunner, Roberto Perez Pinaya, Michel André Decroux and Oystein Fischer
Physica B: Condensed Matter 194-196, 2375-2376 (1994)
We investigate the thermally activated flux motion in structures made of DyBa₂Cu₃O₇ layers separated by an alloy of (Y₁₋ₓPrₓ)Ba₂Cu₃O₇. With x=0.4 we have grown a series of samples containing N layers of DyBa₂Cu₃O₇ (24Å thick, N between 1 and 10) separated by 96Å of…
Archive ouverte UNIGEJean-Marc Triscone, Patrice Claude Fivat, Magnus Karl Johan Andersson, Michel André Decroux and Oystein Fischer
Physical Review. B, Condensed Matter 50 2, 1229-1236 (1994)
Vortex dynamics is studied in coupled multilayer structures, containing N 24-Å-thick DyBa₂Cu₃O₇ layers, each separated from the next by 96 Å of (Y₁₋ₓPrₓ)Ba₂Cu₃O₇7 (x=0.4, 0.55). When the magnetic field is parallel to the c axis, we find that the activation energy U for flux…
Archive ouverte UNIGEAndréas Cretton, Y. Jaccard, Erica Jane Williams, J.-P. Locquet, E. Māchler, Jean-Marc Triscone, O. Fischer, T. Schneider and P. Martinoli
Physica. C, Superconductivity 235-240, 733-734 (1994)
We report on the realization of La2−xSrxCuO4/La2−ySryCuO4 multilayers and on a study of the superconducting transitions in magnetic field parallel and perpendicular to the c-axis. Measuring the activation energies for thermally activated flux flow, which give information on the correlation…
Archive ouverte UNIGELaurent Mieville, Edmond Koller, Jean-Marc Triscone and Oystein Fischer
Physica C: Superconductivity and Its Applications 235-240, 725-726 (1994)
We report on the growth of SrRuO₃/DyBa₂Cu₃O₇ multilayers and investigations of proximity coupling in these structures. These films have been prepared by magnetron sputtering onto (100) SrTiO₃. Measurements of activation energies for flux motion in field perpendicular to the…
Archive ouverte UNIGEHaruhiko Obara, Magnus Karl Johan Andersson, Patrice Claude Fivat, Lourdes Fàbrega, Jean-Marc Triscone, Michel André Decroux and Oystein Fischer
Physica C: Superconductivity and Its Applications 235-240, 2997-2998 (1994)
Transport critical currents of DyBa₂Cu₃O₇/(Y₁₋ₓPrₓ)Ba₂Cu₃O₇ (DyBCO/YPrBCO) multilayers have been measured. Using careful meausurements of the temperature and magnetic field dependence of critical current density Jc of the multilayers, we observed two distinct regions in the…
Archive ouverte UNIGEOystein Fischer, Olivier Brunner, Louis Antognazza, Jean-Marc Triscone, Laurent Mieville, Michael Karkut, P. van der Linden and J.A.A.J. Perenboom
Physica. B, Condensed matter 177 1-4, 87-93 (1992)
The high temperature superconducting cuprates are layered materials in which the CuO2 layers are found to play an important role for the superconducting properties. When produced in thin film form, these materials can be grown in a layer by layer sequence and this has allowed us to make…
Archive ouverte UNIGEOystein Fischer, Jean-Marc Triscone, Louis Antognazza, Olivier Brunner, Laurent Mieville, Ivan Maggio-Aprile, A.D. Kent and O. Eibl
Physics of High-Temperature Superconductors (1992)
This paper reviews recent work on the properties of YBa2Cu3O7 / PrBa2Cu3O7 superlattices. The study of these materials allows one to obtain important information about the role played by the interlayer coupling in the high temperature superconductors. Furthermore, investigations of the resistive…
Archive ouverte UNIGEOystein Fischer, Olivier Brunner, Louis Antognazza, Laurent Mieville and Jean-Marc Triscone
Physica scripta T42, 46-50 (1992)
The fabrication of epitaxially grown superlattices and ultrathin films made from high temperature superconductors has allowed a systematic study of certain properties of this class of materials. It is, for instance, possible to modify the anisotropy in a controlled manner and thus investigate the…
Archive ouverte UNIGEIvan Maggio-Aprile, A.D. Kent, Philipp Niedermann, Christoph Renner, Louis Antognazza, Laurent Mieville, Olivier Brunner, Jean-Marc Triscone and Oystein Fischer
Ultramicroscopy 42-44, 728-733 (1992)
The surface structure of magnetron-sputtered YBa₂Cu₃O₇ thin films has been investigated using an STM operated in air. Both c-axis and a-axis oriented films have been investigated. In the case of c-axis thin films, different types of step and plateau structures are observed depending on the…
Archive ouverte UNIGEAndrew Kent, Jean-Marc Triscone, Louis Antognazza, Olivier Brunner, Christoph Renner, Philipp Niedermann, Michael Karkut and Oystein Fischer
Physica B: Condensed Matter 165-166, 1503-1504 (1990)
We report the superconducting properties of homogeneous highly oriented alloy thin films of Y1−xPrxBa2Cu3O7 prepared by a novel layer by layer method using do magnetron sputtering. As in the case of bulk material, we find a continuous suppression of the superconducting transition temperature with …
Archive ouverte UNIGEAndrew Kent, Ivan Maggio-Aprile, Philipp Niedermann, Christoph Renner, Jean-Marc Triscone, Michael Karkut, Olivier Brunner, Louis Antognazza and Oystein Fischer
Physica C: Superconductivity and Its Applications 162-164, 1035-1036 (1989)
We have made measurements of the local potential distribution and topography of current carrying Y1Ba2Cu3O6.9 thin films using a scanning tunneling microscope. We have compared the electrostatic potential distribution in the normal state on post-annealed thin films and in-situ prepared films. On…
Archive ouverte UNIGEMichael Karkut, Jean-Marc Triscone, Louis Antognazza and Oystein Fischer
Helvetica Physica Acta 61, 488-495 (1988)
Archive ouverte UNIGEAdrien Waelchli
Thèse (2021)
Le mécanisme régissant la supraconductivité à haute température critique, observée dans des composés à base de cuivre et d’oxygène (cuprates), n’est à ce jour pas encore entièrement élucidé. Dans cette thèse sont étudiés des systèmes dits « infinite-layer » avec la formule…
Archive ouverte UNIGEClaribel Dominguez Ordonez
Thèse, 122 (2021)
We discussed a particularly interesting interfacial effect-a coupling due to a phase boundary cost-that can be used to achieve fine control over the electronic properties of artificially-layered materials. The artificial model system, presented in this thesis, uses SmNiO3 and NdNiO3-two compounds…
Archive ouverte UNIGEMargherita Boselli
Thèse (2019)
In 2004 Ohtomo and Hwang discovered that the interface between two band insulators, LaAlO3 and SrTiO3, is conducting. This thesis focuses on the properties of the LaAlO3/SrTiO3 interface at the nanoscale. First, we developed a technique to realize conducting wires of nanometric scale in insulating…
Archive ouverte UNIGEHugo Meley
Thèse (2019)
Le groupe Triscone, affilié au département de la matière quantique de l’Université de Genève, est expert dans la synthèse et la caractérisation de films minces à base d’oxyde, il travaille en collaboration étroite avec d’autres groupes de recherche spécialisés dans les techniques de…
Archive ouverte UNIGEChristian Weymann
Thèse (2019)
Dans cette thèse, nous présentons une méthode fiable pour produire des séries d’échantillons ferroélectriques identiques en tous points, sauf la structure de domaines intrinsèque: en changeant la température de croissance de nos échantillons, nous contrôlons entièrement la direction de…
Archive ouverte UNIGEJennifer Fowlie
Thèse (2018)
We study the fundamental physical properties of LaNiO3, a correlated transition metal oxide, within the context of heterostructures. In this thesis we report on an intriguing thickness-dependence of the resistivity in the ultrathin limit, a strong dependence on the substrate lattice of the…
Archive ouverte UNIGEStéphanie Fernandez
Thèse (2017)
Cette thèse se centre sur l’étude des matériaux ferroélectriques et plus particulièrement sur le PbTiO3, qui se présente sous la structure cristalline pérovskite. Les ferroélectriques sont définis comme des matériaux ayant une polarisation spontanée qui doit pouvoir être renversée par…
Archive ouverte UNIGEDavide Filippo Valentinis
Thèse (2017)
Cette thèse porte sur les corrélations électroniques dans la matière quantique, en particulier dans les systèmes métalliques de basse dimensionalité et à basse température. Dans ces conditions, la réponse du liquide composé par les électrons de conduction aux perturbations devient…
Archive ouverte UNIGESara Catalano
Thèse (2017)
Le pérovskites d’oxydes de nickel montrent une transition métal isolant et une structure antiferromagnétique à basse temperature, qui peuvent étre exploités pour des applications innovantes. Cette thèse est consacrée à l’étude des propriétés électroniques fondamentales de couches…
Archive ouverte UNIGEDanfeng Li
Thèse (2016)
Les pérovskites constituent une classe importante de structure cristalline. Les oxydes de cette famille présentent une physique riche et des propriétés électroniques remarquables. Ces matériaux peuvent être combinés par des techniques de croissance en couche de sorte à former des…
Archive ouverte UNIGEAlexandre Fete
Thèse (2014)
Cette thèse étudie la conduction électrique sous champ magnétique de l’interface entre un substrat de SrTiO3 et une mince couche cristalline de LaAlO3. Ce système combine les propriétés remarquables des gaz bidimensionnels et la richesse de la physique des oxydes complexes. Grâce à nos…
Archive ouverte UNIGEJill Guyonnet
Thèse (2013)
Les matériaux ferroélectriques sont caractérisés par une polarisation électrique réversible. Les interfaces séparant deux domaines ferroélectriques, appelées parois de domaines, possèdent des propriétés spécifiques en raison de la brisure locale de symétrie et de l’accumulation de…
Archive ouverte UNIGERaoul Scherwitzl
Thèse (2012)
Dans cette thèse nous avons étudié des hétérostructures basées sur les perovskites nickelates RNiO3, où R est une terre rare. Les nickelates présentent une transition spectaculaire d’un comportement métallique à un comportement isolant en fonction de la température. Le but de cette…
Archive ouverte UNIGEAndrea Caviglia
Thèse (2010)
Dans cette thèse nous avons étudié l’interface entre un isolant, LaAlO3, et un semi-conducteur, SrTiO3, où un gaz électronique à été découvert. Dans cette thèse nous avons montré que cette interface devient supraconductrice à des températures inférieures à 300 mK et que le plan…
Archive ouverte UNIGENicolas Reyren
Thèse (2009)
Nous avons étudié trois systèmes supraconducteurs quasiment bidimensionnels (2D): le NdBa2Cu3O7-δ, un supraconducteur à haute température critique (HTS), le SrTiO3 dopé au Nb (Nb-STO) et l’interface LaAIO3. Dans ces trois systèmes, nous avons examiné les propriétés de l’état…
Archive ouverte UNIGENicolas Stucki
Thèse (2008)
Dans ce travail, nous étudions les propriétés de superréseaux de PbTiO₃ et SrTiO₃. Pour des couches épaisses de chacun des constituants, le système se comporte comme prévu par notre modèle électrostatique, en trouvant un équilibre entre les propriétés ferro- et paraélectrique de…
Archive ouverte UNIGECéline Lichtensteiger
Thèse (2006)
Ce travail porte sur l’étude de l’évolution des propriétés physiques de matériaux ferroélectriques lorsque la taille de ces matériaux est réduite à l’échelle nanométrique. Cette étude représente un défi sur le plan expérimental puisque des films ultraminces de haute qualité…
Archive ouverte UNIGEAlexander Thomas Holmes
Thèse (2004)
This thesis attempts to answer the question: what is the superconducting mechanism in e-iron and CeCu2Si2? There are many reasons to think that it is not a conventional BCS-type mechanism in either system. Pressure enables us to continuously vary the electronic properties of a material, and…
Archive ouverte UNIGEDaniel Matthey
Thèse (2004)
Cette thèse s’est développée à partir de l’étude des propriétés de transport dans la région sous-dopée du diagramme de phase “température en fonction du dopage” dans des couches minces de REBa2Cu3O7−δ (RE : terre rare). Notre étude souligne en particulier l’importance des fluctuations …
Archive ouverte UNIGEStefano Gariglio
Thèse (2003)
Cette thèse étudie les propriétés électroniques de deux systèmes à fortes corrélations électroniques dont la densité de porteurs a été modifiée de façon contrôlée. Dans le premier système, la modification par dopage chimique du contenu en oxygène de couches minces de LaTiO₃, un…
Archive ouverte UNIGE